If you are interested in getting added to my friends list, by all means leave me a happy little comment and we will get that taken care of :D Have a spledorifus day! Be blessed!!!
Hmm.. I don't know if you still update this, on account of your last entry seems to be from January and it is now October.. anyways, you have LeMars is one of your interests and I'm from Lemars, so I was just wondering if you lived here?
Hi there!! I do still update this, I have just made all of my entries since this one friends only, but I am still around :) I don't live in LeMars but I spent the summer of 2002 interning with Youth for Christ there, particularly working with a place called The Asylum...familiar with it??
I'm Lacy, pleased to meet you! Would you like to be added to my friends list?
Youth Pastor who liked your sitejaycubsfanDecember 7 2004, 15:37:23 UTC
Hey there. I am a Youth Pastor and I like your site. I have just started a live journal http://www.livejournal.com/users/jaycubsfan/ and I was just searching around to see what other people's sites look like. I was searching around for those who has similar interests. My journal has kinda turned into a online devotional for middle, high school and college students. It is not flashy but it is useful. It is my purpose to not post fluffy stuff. i want it to be relatable and useful in a students everyday setting. Run by and take a look at it and pass it along to some friends if you like.
Re: Youth Pastor who liked your sitelittlefootlllDecember 15 2004, 19:58:25 UTC
Pleased to meet you! I teach 6th-8th graders so the devotionals will come quite in handy I am sure :) I really have a heart for young people, and am always thrilled to meet others that share that!
My name is April, and I just started a community for people with Turner's Syndrome. I did a search of people who have Turner's Syndrome listed as an interest, and am inviting them to join.
Comments 45
I'm Lacy, pleased to meet you! Would you like to be added to my friends list?
Welcome to the friends list :)
I did a search of people who have Turner's Syndrome listed as an interest, and am inviting them to join.
The community's name is Turnersgrrls.
Hope to see you there!
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