K-L (
kira_lynn) linked me to this post from Washington City Paper's always glorious "The Sexist" blog, "
Make Your Dude-Dominated Subculture More Accessible to Women." I think it is because she knows that's exactly what I want to do with my dude-dominated subculture of choice, underground hip-hop. The article is focused on gaming, and other geeky pursuits
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Comments 30
I'd posit that pretty much anything is geeky if you really care about it and delve into it.
Howevs! It is undeniable that there are plenty of non-women-friendly places out there, most of which absolutely do not think of themselves as such, and maybe therefore this isn't a bad idea.
We've come under fire a lot for our efforts in that direction, but the fact that most comics communities around the internet are so unfriendly to women and minorities was one of the major influences behind that stance. This is why our community even exists, to accommodate those the rest of fandom sees fit to exclude.
as i think you know, i was mostly a latecomer to rap and hip-hop (especially nerdcore), and i think at least some of my hesitation of embracing it came from my distaste for much of the subject-matter, and how it is expressed.
[that's still a reason why i have trouble listening to jay-z, or even cage, despite my appreciation for their skills. ditto for the likes of immortal technique and mf doom].
the world definitely needs more woman-friendly and made-by-women music, in all genres.
Immortal Technique is a heartbreaker. Best social conscience of any rapper, maybe ever... except he hates women and fags. For fuck's sake.
soooo true. it's like a blindspot. he's not sexist in the same way as rappers that i lump under the category "booty-rappers". but in that way it's almost worse, 'cause it's a tragedy that someone with a seemingly social awareness - and ability to articulate it - could be so bigoted.
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