2015 Reading Challenge, Update 4: April.

May 02, 2015 21:41

Adapted from [this].

[x] A book with more than 500 pages: Cold Fire, Kate Elliott [4/5]

[  ] A classic romance

[  ] A book that became a movie

[x] A book published this year: The Shadow Cabinet, Maureen Johnson [4/5]

[x] A book with a number in the title: Station Eleven, Emily St. John Mandel [5/5]

[x] A book written by someone under 30: Lord of the Read more... )

livre, 2015 reading challenge

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Comments 7

heikki_cheren May 5 2015, 22:46:32 UTC
(Sorry for the first comment, I hadn't check who wrote the post, and since 90% of the posts on my friends page come from the same british guy, who is also into book challenges, I naturally assumed it was him ;) )

Oh, btw, we're going back to Iceland ! And now that we looked at the hostels prices, AFTER having booked the flight, we're starting to grew grey hair. I almost died of heart attack while reading the Routard... It's aweful !!! Everything cost TWICE as much... -_-'


heikki_cheren May 5 2015, 22:49:41 UTC
I finally found one writer !!!


But I didn't know her at all, while trying to find list of authors, I found a list of blogs authors, and she was there. I checked if she had published anything, and bingo ! No idea what it's worth, though...


littlegothsin May 6 2015, 07:26:59 UTC
I do have a small handful of names, but the challenge is to find a book I actually want to read ^^; So I'll check her out, thanks!


heikki_cheren May 6 2015, 18:36:41 UTC
Who are the other ones?


littlegothsin May 9 2015, 13:35:26 UTC
Susan K. Quinn (I'm not paying attention to middle names because come on), S.K. Quinn, Spencer Quinn, Seabury Grandin Quinn, Sheila Quigley are the ones I've got. For now I'm planning to read Susan K. Quinn because I have a free ebook of hers, and it's YA so it should be easy to read if nothing else, but I'm not losing hope someone, somewhere, has a fav author with the initial S.Q. to recommend to me.


arca_en_ciel May 11 2015, 14:13:39 UTC
Je m'étais dit "comme c'est pas évient de trouve SQ, pourquoi ne pas admettre des auteurs dont les initiales sont QS ?"
... J'ai rien trouvé.


littlegothsin May 11 2015, 14:39:54 UTC
J'ai pas cherché mais j'ai comme l'impression que CC c'est plus facile...


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