Stolen from Sin_Pony

Dec 21, 2005 13:55

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1) What planet should xx_darkvixen_xx be from? mars to get candy bars
2) If goldfngr22 and wendy17fairy were siamese twins, where would they be joined? um. the shoulder? talk about some wild sex.
3) What mental disorder does leadingplayer remind you of? delirium
4) Have you flirted with typed_jesus? oh, all the time
5) Does p0yzinus have a big secret? yes. and i know what it is...
6) Do you have a crush on _halovete_? no. i already have a jew
7) If xx_darkvixen_xx took over the world, who would suffer? no one
8) What flavor of jello would heroxlegacy be? orange
9) How many monkeys could sin_pony fight at once and win against? 60!
10) Is goldfngr22 in a relationship? indeedy. and, boy, is he in love
11) What is nilestardust's favorite color? leopard print
12) How would i_got_it kill _halovete_? with arsenic
13) oneblzeofglory's hair color? brown
14) What animal does p0yzinus remind you of? a wolf
15) One thing you can't stand about _halovete_? his music
16) What video game does sin_pony remind you of? feel the magic
17) Which of your friends should ariadnemarina go out with? sin_pony
18) Would coolcherrycreem and oneblzeofglory look good together? i dont think they swing that way
19) If xx_darkvixen_xx and i_got_it were spliced together, what would it be like? red haired salvadorian
20) Is typed_jesus related to ariadnemarina? no
21) coolcherrycreem's eye color? blue
22) Is goldfngr22 your best friend? yup :)
23) Does coolcherrycreem drink? like a fish!
24) Did _halovete_ break up with you? nope
25) If p0yzinus had a superpower, what would it be? x-ray vision
26) What is _halovete_'s favorite food? chipotle
27) Do coolcherrycreem and i_got_it go to the same school? did
28) If typed_jesus took over the world, who would be happy? everyone
29) Where was leadingplayer born? arlington
30) Would typed_jesus be a better ninja or pirate? definately a pirate
31) How long would nilestardust dating xx_darkvixen_xx last? hmm... t'would be interesting
32) Would you set up sin_pony and _halovete_? no. he couldnt handle her in the bedroom
33) What do you agree with i_got_it about? work sucks
34) What animal should twstd_kittie be combined with? a kittie
35) Is ariadnemarina athletic? i dont know... are you?
36) Would i_got_it and leadingplayer make a good couple? haha,,, i dunno. maybe they should try it out
37) Does twstd_kittie have a crush on typed_jesus? of course! who doesn't?
38) Is nilestardust a nerd? hell no
39) Would you make out with goldfngr22? oh i do, i do
40) Does typed_jesus smoke? yup
41) Is xx_darkvixen_xx introverted or extroverted? both
42) Is typed_jesus related to you? yup. he's my bro
43) Does xx_darkvixen_xx go to your school? we used to
44) Does oneblzeofglory know _halovete_? nope
45) Is twstd_kittie an emo? hell no
46) What is oneblzeofglory's favorite movie? which one??? ferris.
47) If twstd_kittie and typed_jesus were spliced together, what would be its name? sexy artiste
48) What comic book character would oneblzeofglory be? cat woman
49) Are xx_darkvixen_xx and typed_jesus going out? nope
50) Which president would oneblzeofglory be likely to idolize? hillary
51) What is goldfngr22's biggest flaw? laziness
52) Would you wrestle _halovete_ in jello? that would be messy
53) If coolcherrycreem commanded an army, who would be his/her followers? theatre freaks
54) Is _halovete_ dead sexy? DEAD sexy
55) One quality you find attractive in typed_jesus? talent
56) Thoughts on typed_jesus? beautiful creature
57) What languages does heroxlegacy speak? english and ....david
58) Does wendy17fairy travel a lot? indeed she does
59) Where would leadingplayer most like to visit? europe
60) Would you ever date heroxlegacy? i dont think so
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