(no subject)

Aug 31, 2005 17:15

I'm copying Matt, but in not nearly so eloquent a way.

Aural Skills - That's Aural with an "Au." This class is... okay. I've only gone to two sessions of it, really, since the first day was just a general music theory meeting and then I skipped twice. My excuse was that I was sick, which I kinda was, but barely, and I really should've gone to class. Anyway, the professor is pretty neat and funny. He's exactly how I pictured him. Let me show you what I mean: picture a music theory professor at OU named Dr. Kenneth Stephenson, and then look at this picture: http://www.facultylinc.com/personal/facoffice.nsf/AllStaffbyStaffID/step5471?OpenDocument. Crazy, huh? He reminds me of a muppet.

American Federal Government - I can't decide if this class will be okay or too much work. Regardless, the professor is really good (he was recommended by Clint and Clint's friend Emily, and they were correct in what they said). The only problem is if my suitemates continue to yell late into the night and I can't get any sleep, Professor Ray has a really deep, soothing voice, and I don't know how awake I'll be able to stay.

Discrete Math - So far, it's been a review of Aegis one year ago. I've learned a little bit, but it's mostly kinda dull. The professor is cool, though, and he's excited to be a math professor, which is kind of satisfying, in a way I can't really explain. His only flaw is he gives way too much homework, and it's all painfully dull.

Orchestra - I really love the stuff we're playing. Some of it's pretty hard, though, especially the Haydn, but I've got a long time to learn it, and I'm practicing enough that I'm sure I won't have any trouble. Everyone should come to the first concert, September 27, I think at 8 p.m.

Violin - Peter is amazing. I thought Brent was a really good teacher (and in many ways, of course, he was), but Peter's got me working on all sorts of stuff that are going to make me so much better, it just makes me giddy thinking about it. The downside is, Peter said that my violin is kind of sub-par, and if I can, I should think about getting a new one sometime during my undergraduate career. That made me really sad. I think the only thing I would miss more than my violin if I were to have to give it up would be a close friend or family member. This violin belonged to my great grandfather, and it means the world to me. Who cares if it sounds tinny?

Musical Structures - Pretty boring so far, but I'm kind of excited about learning counterpoint and four-part harmony later this semester. I may be the only person in the world that would get excited about that, but I don't care. I think it's cool.

Piano - Like I said, my piano teacher is way too excited about being a piano teacher. Like, you know how some people are just so hyper and happy and polite all the time that it just becomes annoying? Well, this is beyond that, and so much so that it loops around to being a good thing again. It's overwhelming, in a good way. I'm still not looking forward to having to practice piano on top of all my violin and homework, but I can handle it. It'll be fun.

Calc - My professor is a grad student and an idiot. Don't get me wrong, he's a pretty neat guy, and a heck of a lot smarter than me, but when it comes to teaching, he doesn't quite get it. He also gave us a proof as part of a homework assignment to prove something that wasn't true. Oh, and check out this e-mail I got (don't worry, it was the whole class, not just me) after we took our first quiz yesterday:

Quiz 1 was taken from porblems [sic] 40 and and 56. The performance was
miserable. So, let me be perfectly candid.

Although, problems like 12.1 # 72 (the really difficult HW problem that I
gave you) are somewhat exceptional. The problems that I gave you to study
for the quiz were not. They are typical of the level of difficulty of the
problems that you will have to master to pass this course.

So, I would like for each and every one of you to ask yourself if you are
willing to put in the effort necessary to consistently over the next 14
weeks do the work necessary to achieve whatever goals you have set for
yourself. If you are unwilling or unable to do this, please do not waste
your time or money; drop the class now.

Now, I understand that this was the first quiz, so I have prepared a makeup
assignment to be turned in with your homework for 12.2, on Tuesday. In
addition, to give you more time to study for the quiz, I will, in the
future, give quizzes on Thursday.

-Daniel Benton

Ouch. Just... ouch.

Anyway, that's about it for my classes. So if you want to have a chat, you'll have to come up with more imaginative questions than "How are your classes?" =P
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