It's not fair.
Coming to this time changed everything, no matter what anyone says. I know we are together but...we're not really together. We are drifting apart...aren't we? And that's not...I seem like a children. I am not one anymore and yet...everyone keeps seeing me like that. My actions say nothing against it I guess...
Why did we have to come here? What purpose did it have if I'm losing some of the things I treasure the most? Why did it all have to change?
I want to go home so badly. But she will come too. And it won't be exactly home anymore.
I should be happy for him. I know I should. Like he would be.
I can't. He doesn't see anyone else now, not even me.
It's still not fair.
I forgot how relaxing it is to work with plants. They can't question you, quiz you, they don't demand attention or care. They just exist. I'm...filling my room with them now. Yusuke-san says it looks like a tropical jungle whatever that is.
Shizuka? I have the herb you requested. Feel free to drop by, if you wish.
[OOC: Mana conveniently forgot to screen the last comment *coughs*]