Title: Sometimes It’s Too Much To Take
Pairing: Kyusung
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I'm from Ohio...not too many hot korean idols to own or make money of off. So do you think I'm doing that with these boys?...didn't think so
Summary: Kyuhyun qualifies for a tournament but annoys Jongwoon in the days leading up to it and goes too far.
Sometimes It’s Too Much To Take )
Comments 16
Well as long as it's just fun teasing, who doesn't? haha.
Glad you liked it.
Party time! Someone should start playing sexy free and single...Sorry that line jsut popped into my head when I said it^^
Thanks for reading^^
great story Liz!
I love their interaction with each other!
lol at Yesung watching with every ELFs! supporting Kyu while doing fanservice! lol
it's heartwarming knowing how concerned Yesung was about what Kyuhyun will feel~
thanks for this Liz!
They're so adorable. And I think somewhat bipolar in this fic. haha.
Oh my gods, yes, that would be so fun if he really did that. "Oh I'll sit with these 10 Elfs....now i'll go over here and sit with these girls, then over there and there and then I'll sit with them over here for a bit. Must give all ELFs lovely Yesung time." Hahaha. that would be so fun and awsome.
Isn't he always. He always seem worried to hurt Kyuhyun's feeling unless he's being a brat and Yesung decides to tease him. hehe^^
You're Welcome.
Best part was the beginning...especially this: But still Jongwoon at least semi paid attention to the younger so as not to hurt his feelings. "Hyung are you listening to me?"
"Yes Kyu, you were talking about the Zerg or something like that."
"Hyung! I was talking about that like five minutes ago. I was talking about the Protoss just now."
"Sorry Kyu, I guess I zoned out while trying to watch the show and listen to you."
"You’re really bad at multitasking hyung."
"No, I’m not."
"Yes you are. I’m surprised you can sing and dance at the same time." XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD that had me in stitches ^___________________________________^
This was too cute! I liked the confession, never seen it done that way. "So you actually admitted it."
"What?" Jongwoon laughed at the expression Kyuhyun was making. LOLOLOLOLOL ♥
haha yeah....something Kyu would say I think. hahaha^^
and well I've done enough confessions, I needed to do it different. So that's what came about. haha^^
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