Title: Secrets in Paintings (Part 2/2)
Pairing: Kyusung
Rating: G
Disclaimer: I'm from Ohio...not too many hot korean idols to own or
make money of off. So do you think I'm doing that with these boys?...didn't think so
Summary: Kyuhyun's grandfather leaves Kyuhyun a special pen that changes his life. Though he might need a little push from a friend for
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Comments 5
to be honest, I didn't know that you're the one who wrote this! you really have improved since Light Even in Shadows! I'm so proud of you!
I really love this!
you wrote it very well and this is a FANATASY AU WITH FLUFF AND ROMANCE so I really like it!
the whole plot is very exciting and new that I found myself captivated with how Kyuhyun and Jongwoon will end up together.
please refrain from falling in love with Kyuhyun since he's Jongwoon's ;D
(give them a pen like that in real life please! hahaha!)
please write something like this again :DDD
I want you to know that even if I can't comment, or anything, I still support and love you^^
gosh there you go! I'm now confessing my love to you and your stories^^
thank you for this amazing fic! love you!
At the beginning, I thought that JongWoon would be the traped one, but I'm glad I was wrong because it would habe been sad u_u
Wookie is so fun XD "Oh my god! Just start dating or confessing or something!" This sentence is awesome XDDDDD
Thanks for this^^
Oh no, I wouldn't trap him. I was thinking of giving hte trapt guy a bigger part and then it just didn't happen. A handful of things didn't happen, but it worked out fine^^
Everybody loves Wookie. The awsomesause best friend. Well who wouldn't say that or something similar if you're just watching the two blush and obviously like each other. haha^^
You're Welcome. Thanks for reading and commenting.
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I would love it. Especially since you look at some paintings and just want to go there but have no idea if the place is even real. If I could escape to another world for a little while I know I would. Especially to the place I made for Jongwoon...I would love to be there...though I don't know where there is....I kinda made it up...though it porbably exists somewhere in the world.
Well you can't not like Kyu when he's around after a while. And once Jongwoon sees that he's not going to harm is place and wants to learn, it's easier for Jongwoon to warm up to him and fall...and I mean who wouldn't fall for a dorky Kyuhyun after a couple of weeks or more. I can imagine the picture Jongwoon was painting perfectly too. (Kyuhyun's that is...well the other's too)
Everybody loves Wookie. The adorable best friend. I feel he almost stole the attention.....so he got ditched...haha. I don't think that was the real reason he got ditched...that's just how it played. And who wouldn't want a friend like Wookie?
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