Title: Trouble with a Gamer Boyfriend
Pairing: Kyusung. Minor Zhoury
Rating: PG-13ish
Disclaimer: I'm from Ohio...not too many hot korean idols to own or make money of off. So do you think I'm doing that with these boys?...didn't think so
Summary: Kyuhyun convinces Jongwoon to play Final Fantasy.
Trouble with a Gamer Boyfriend )
Comments 23
Oh and I really love FF I played that game like a million time and after reading this I think I'll go play it again ^^
Haha nice. Play 10 again specifically or just ff in general?
Haha yeah, X was like the easiest one for me to explain and remember all the big points Jongwoon would have to ask about so I went with it.
I've done it a couple times recently with XIII, when I wanted to stop but there wasn't a save point for close to an hour so I ended up playing longer then I wanted.
Yeah, I start working on other stuff in my free time instead of the stuff I should work on first...like my chapter fic that I only have one chapter and an epilogue to write.
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