Title: Winter Serenade
Pairing: Eunhae, Kangteuk, Simin, KRY, Hanchul, Kyusung, Zhoury (in that order)
Rating: PG-13ish
Disclaimer: I'm from Ohio...not too many hot korean idols to own or make money of off. So do you think I'm doing that with these boys?...didn't think so
Summary: Series of Winter/Christmas proposals/confessions.
Winter Serenade )
Comments 6
How adorable and cute the way Yesung woke Kyuhyun up?? *or I'm just being biased again?? trololol*
they are going to marry each other!! YAY!!!
thanks for the great help CHUL!!!
"So I can return the other gift I bought you then?"
"I never said it was the only gift, just the best." - lol at that!
merry christmas and thank you for putting KyuSung here!
I odn't knwo if you're being biased, casue well I'm kinda biased in the fact that I wrote it. haha
Yup. ^^ and of course the mad cat helps rabid dog. I mean it's just a given. haha.^^
I can perfectly imagine that conversation between them ^^
Merry Christmas. You're welcome. It's tied for my favorite pairing if you don't count KRY. (Kyusung and Hanchul are the ones tied) So of course I have them :p
was that the only one you read or just your favorite? Just wondering.
but it's possible aite?
i love the one with eunhae and hanchul the most~!!!
well a bit of kangteuk's..because kanginnie is being sweet hehehe~
Well even Kangin has to drop the tough guy image sometimes.
thanks for reading^^
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