Title: School Day
Pairing: Hanchul, Simin, Zhoury, Kyusung, KRY, Kangteuk, Eunhae.
Rating: G
Disclaimer: I'm from Ohio...not too many hot korean idols to own or make money of off. So do you think I'm doing that with these boys?...didn't think so
Summary: Short scenes with a day in class with little suju.
School Day )
Comments 10
I like this, i like kyusung in this story eonnie.. They look so adorable and cute...
Update soon eonnie.. :)
I know they are^^
I'm working on it. I plan on having my next chapter and a oneshot done in time for kyusung day.
you know I'm biased so you probably know that I only read the KyuSung part XD *forgive my biasness*
Kyu should have chosen to play with Yesung and Ddangkoma instead than being bullied like that! XD
Yesung is there to protect baby Kyu~ Love~
thank you for writing this cute fic^^
-.- You should still read the whole thing. It's just suju and you shouldn't let your biasness get in the way of you reading other pairings. Besides you write Hanchul on the side of your kyusung...:p and the story is cuter when you read the whole day.
He went to play with other kids, and then the big kids came over and bullied him but of course Yesung will always protect his kyuhyun.
You're welcome^^ I still say you read the rest though.
Thanks for reading^^
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