Title: It takes only a week....and a year. Part 1
Pairing: Kyusung, Mentioned Hanchul, Eunhae, Kangtuek, Simin
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I'm from Ohio...not too many hot korean idols to own or make money of off. So do you think I'm doing that with these boys?...didn't think so
Summary:Jongwoon is on his vacation from his service and meets Kyuhyun.
It takes on a week...and a year part 1 )
Comments 5
Yesung like THAT is just pure FUN. I thought that its a Kyusung story, and there is that Heechul, who just steal the show! But thats good <3
I can not wait to read next chapter! <3
It is a kyusung...with lots of heechul^^ I love bestfriend Yechul^^
Thanks for reading. Glad you liked it^^
Hopefully the second part will be up soon.
Yechul friendship is so REAL! Even more real that Hanchul...
Please, Hurry up! <3
I know it is. the rapid dog and mad cat are awsome. but Hanchul is still real as a couple.
I'll try^^
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Who wouldn't like manly Jongwoon!♥
Yeah, there are going to be more in the last part (there are only 2, i hope) since that's when they actually get to spend time together. ^^ Jongwoon is still a good guy and doesn't want anything to happen to "just a kid". Heechul probably didn't help with putting idea's in his head about Kyu though. haha
I think you're making sense still. ^^
Thanks^^ I'll be working on it soon, once I finish the epilouge to leis. which I'm almost done with. (I keep adding to it.) But I'll have it up soon enough I hope.
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