Pairing: Jackson Rathbone and Ashley Greene
Disclaimer: Real people with real lives whom I don't know. Just imagining :)
Rating: Pg13 I think. swearing!
Nikki yawned as she made her way to Ashley’s trailer. It was 7.30 in the morning, but most people on set had been awake for hours, so Nikki decided it was definitely coffee time. Carefully positioning the cups in the crook of her arm she knocked softly on Ashley’s door, smiling as she heard excited barking on the other side.
A few minutes passed; Marlo’s barking quietening down a little. Nikki frowned.
“Marlo is your momma in there?” She called, reaching for the door. She knew the little dog wouldn’t answer her, but she wanted to make her presence known in case Ashley hadn’t heard the door.
“Ash? You in here, I’ve got coff…”
Nikki trailed off as she heard what sounded like someone being sick.
She quickly put the coffee cups on the vanity, rushing into the bathroom.
“Jesus Ash…” She quickly knelt beside her friend, rubbing small circles on her back.
“God I’m sorry..” Ashley sighed. She sounded tired. Leaning to flush the toilet she looked to Nikki. There was no colour to her face, although the Cullen makeup didn’t help, and her eyes were bloodshot.
“Don’t be silly sweetie…are you sick?” Nikki frowned at the ridiculousness of her question. The girl was throwing up, and as far as she was aware there had not been any wild night out last night.
“Sorry…I mean..are you ok?” She reached to the sink, handing Ashley a glass of water.
“I don’t know…I think so. I was sick a few days ago after Kristen, Liz and I went out for sushi..” Nikki could practically see Ashley turning green at the mention of it.
“But I’ve felt fine since…a little out of sorts I suppose, but nothing like…” She gestured towards the toilet.
Nikki sighed softly, her hand stir moving in small circles over Ashley’s back.
“Have you had much sleep? There’s coffee on your vanity…”
Ashley nodded, letting Nikki help her up.
“I slept ok I guess…I started feeling like shit when I woke up.”
“Maybe you should talk to Bill…see if they can get you a few days off?”
Ashley shook her head as she picked up the steaming cup, cradling it in her hands.
“The schedule is tight as it is without me asking for sick days. I’ll be fine.”
Nikki frowned.
“Sweetie you’ve been sick two mornings in the last week, that’s not fine.” She glanced to her cup, taking a sip. As she looked back at Ashley, her eyes widened.
The petite girl stood frozen in place, her coffee cup clutched in her still unmoving hands. Something Nikki had said had clearly had an effect on her.
“Sweetie? Talking to me would be good right about now…”
“What’s the date?”
Nikki frowned.
“The third. What’s that got to do with the price of cheese?”
“Oh fuck…oh fuck!” Ashley’s sudden outburst disturbed Marlo, who barked and looked to her owner.
“Ashley calm down, what is it?” Nikki placed her coffee down and brought her arms around her co-star.
“Ash you’re shaking…”
“I think I might…be pregnant.”
Well shit. Thought Nikki. Maybe they should have cast Ashley as Bella after all.