Dun dun DUN!!
Yes, I am BACK on LJ finally!
It's probably been almost an entire year since I wrote on here or used LJ properly so this is gonna be one of those epic catch-up entriiiiiess! Hooray?
I'm also gonna get cracking on some new macros soon! :DD
Okay now, catch-up time!
Okay so, I believe I left off with me going to uni. Aaaand now I'm finished first year. Woah.
Okay so, I started off studying Japanese, with Thai as an elective, but I hated the classes for Japanese, didn't really like the other students, and just generally prefered the Thai classes, and so, I swapped!
And I have to say, swapping to Thai was probably the BES decision I've ever made, though I'll admit I don't make good decisions often anyway but w/e. So yeh, I swapped over and am now studying Thai & Southeast Asian studies nd it's going WONDERFULLY! In my last exam I got a first (booyah!) and.. i did an epically long presentation about homosexuality in thailand, which everyone thought was pretty cool, so.. I now also have a research interest area so.. yay! And I've just completed my last exams for theyear which I think went well, but we'll see~
So I'll be off to Chiang Mai university in august or september for a year of studying! How exciting!! :DD
But yeh, this year's been completely up and down and not all good. Here's a quick summary of what happened:
- Swapped to Thai
- Got dumped by boyfriend 1 (lol)
- Saw Dr Karl at Oceana!! yeeeehhhh!
- Went out with LOVELY boyfriend 2
- Got diagnosed with BDD, fun times.
- Became ridiculously depressed because of the above point!
- Got dumped by boyfriend 2 because.. I looked like a crazy freak? idk.
- Remained heartbroken since. Seriously.
- Then decided to better myself and worked extra hard and lost some weight!
- Stated getting firsts in my exams& essays. Whooo!
- Went to see Rihanna at the o2!
- found out that boyfriend 2 needs a bit of a slap for being immature and generally LAME at handling breakups. (still can't hate on him though. Hmph.)
- Aaaaand am now all good to go for Chiang Mai!! :))))
The whole Boyfriend 2 (I don't like using names on LJ...) thing is a massive massiv deal and is something that I think I will take a really long time to get over. It's really hard to be friends with someone, then go out with them (and really like them), then have them dump you and not want anything to do with you anymore, even when you've done nothing wrong. T_T so yah. Lame.
But still! I think that all makes it perfect time for a year of Thailand! :DD
Anyway, this is one of those lame ~life update~ posts so I'll put a more fun update up in a minute now we're all up to date with my life! haha.
Aaand now no-one will comment on this cos I've not really got any LJ friends anymore. loool. Oops.