Title: The Excellent Adventures of Princes Kyuhyun and Eunhyuk [9]
Summary: You know it's a good day when your palace court is sabotaged by an insane lady who may or may not have rabies, and the ramblings of said lady convince your parents to send you on a quest for true love out into the middle of who-knows-where for who-knows-how-long. Yes, life
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Comments 5
OMIGAWD, Eli's picture is so freaking adorable.....LOVE IT!!!!!! <33333
I'd respond to all of them but I'm super pressed for time right now...DX aaahhh so busy noooo. And I'll be gone for the next 2 days too.
BUT THANK YOU SO MUCH I'M GLAD YOU LIKE IT, I'll definitely go check out your fics when I get back! And Elvin is coming back! So much plot going on, Elvin just had to be postponed a bit haha. But they'll be back in the next chapter I think.
Its okay if you dont reply right away, but i probably wint be able to reply back cuz im going camping tomorrow (Thursday) until the 6th (next next Monday). Idk if ill have internet or not...I dont wanna go >~<
Yep, no problem! Its really hard NOT to like~ YESSSSS! ELVIN!!!!! SO EXCITED!!! xD Ill be waiting for your comments~ <333333333 See you later~
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