Title: The Hero, the Wallet, and the Buffalo [2]
(collab with
Summary: Tao should have known that eating a random, rainbow-colored cake left out in the open would've been dangerous. After all, who leaves perfectly good cake out in the open? Only fools!
Pairings: Taoris, with side!Kaisoo, Baekyeol, Hunhan, and others
Genre: AU, romance
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Comments 6
Queen Bacon is the freaking BEST. I love it~
Lol at Bacon trying to get D.O and Kai together~
Poor Kai, D.O just dont know Kai's feelings yet. Hes so adorabley oblivious. Im VERY excited for Chanhyun's love story, though~ Talk to you next chapter? :3
Haha, D.O is like...even more oblivious that Kevin in TEAPKE XD
did i mention i love kai
like omg <3
The Baekyeol love story will probably be revealed throughout the journey, just so we can keep them relevant even when they're not all in the castle =D
RIGHT?!?! That puts Kai and Eli in the same boat :D
Kai has grown on me, too, thanks to you and Amy(?)
Ooh, Im excited. This story is going to be awesome!!!!!
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