(no subject)

Apr 26, 2007 21:58

Hodges' hooker story!

Doc Robbins bursting Brass' bubble!

Greg taking DNA samples from hookers!

Okay, first of all, Happy took quite a lot of damage before managing to actually kick the bucket. So Binky, the bartender, and the blonde hooker where in on it together? Or was it just coincidence that they chose that one particular night to institute their separate plans for killing the guy?

Which ever it was, it made for quite the interesting case. Seriously. I had no idea where it was going, but every time Brass' phone rang in interrogation, I knew it was going to be Doc Robbins to burst his bubble. And that made for quite the humorous situation.

And Hodges' hooker story? OMG, all I can say is that I love David Hodges so much more every time I see him. He's starting to take over the place of lab!Greg in my heart, although I'll always have a soft spot for lab!Greg. And when are TPTB going to just give in and put Wallace Langham in the opening credits? He's already a special quest star and he's been in 75 episodes, including tonight. Greg was in less episodes than that before he ended up in the opening credits. I think there's enough Hodges!love out there to warrant it.

The only thing that squicked me was the Sara/Grissom moment towards the beginning of the episode. I don't consider myself a die-hard shipper for any specific pairing, but I am vehemently anti-GSR. I don't care that it's canon; it's creepy.

And next week: Ally Sheedy and aliens! I have so much love for this show. &hearts

csi, tv

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