Nov 26, 2011 18:58


So, I watched this episode and had a few moments of LOL (awkward when you're watching in your living room with headphones!) and a few moments of awwwww, and then it ended and I had a large WTFFFFFFF moment, which I think I'm still having.

So, okay, thoughts.

Merlin dropping shit when Arthur says that he's going to marry Gwen - LMAO

"I fear you have rather too much stubble to be my wife" - Arthur, you PWNED!!!!!!!

BTW, when do we get to kill Agravaine?

Merlin: "I'm so proud of you, Arthur!!!"

Morgana and her black dress - can she not find ANYTHING else to wear? How cliche can we get? I mean, really?

Creepy blind witch is creepy... Why would she tell Morgana how to bring Lancelot back without any type of payment? That makes no sense. Also, creepy.

Pool as still as death itself - not all that still, really.

oh, naked Lance, naked Lance - keep walking towards shore, please?

did he have stubble when he died the first time *can't remember*

Arthur and Gwen - so so sweet!!! *I shall blindfold you and we shall have kinky sex now, mkay?*

oh, with waxplay!

Merlin eavesdropping - so cute, and a little bit Merthurwen (is that a word? can I make it one), I love that he's so happy for his friends!

A 2 day competition full of sweaty men? It's a medieval bachelorette party!!! ROCK!

If she's the king's fiance now, shouldn't she be wearing shit like Morgana used to instead of her regular frock?

Okay, shouldn't Arthur have a "holy shit - yay!" look on his face instead of a "oh, fucking hell" look?

*shackles Gwen's hand to Arthur's* um, jealous much? Don't bruise her, lol!

Lance is NOT acting like Lance... I don't care how long he was gone, shouldn't someone have gone "huh, that's weird..." before the whole "he doesn't know about my magic" bit?

Dear Agravaine, please fall off your horse and die. No Love, me.

"If it weren't for you, there'd be no wedding!" Um. ouch!

Haven't we learned by now not to accept jewelry from ANYONE??? Just - no jewelry! In fact, Gwen shouldn't even wear a wedding ring! This shit just always gets enchanted!


aw, damn, Lance is an Infirius! At least he's not grey and slimy....

Merlin and subtle, just DON'T go together, LMAO. Nice broth, indeed.

Ummm, someone stole books from the hidden part of the library!!!

Lance will never notice the new artwork we've added to the floor!

"I don't know why I'm here..." this is when you go to Arthur and say "OMG WTF IS GOING ON???" and he fixes it all...

Percival TALKED again! And his arms are covered...rude!

Lance is still a classy bastard - even dead!

oh, Hurt Arthur *snuggles*

Sneaky Gwen is Not Very Sneaky

Did I mention it's time to Kill Agravaine? NOW?

Tie him up! oh, um, nevermind. Take a nap, I guess... shit.

Gwen & Lancelot = too much pretty!

What is with the NOT SHARING this season? Merlin used to warn Arthur all the time and get told to bugger off... this season it's all "oh, let's not mention the crazy witch and her necklace" or "gee, we think Lance might be a shade..." What the hell???

THREESOME!!! Oh, um, no, not so much. PUT DOWN THE SWORD!!!

ohhh, bigger cells this year - are these the minimum security cells for members of the court?

Okay, third time's a charm - KILL AGRAVAINE!!!!

Merlin, just magic up a heart attack or something!

Why didn't Gwen say "I didn't love him, and then I suddenly did, and now I don't again - gee, that seems odd..." GAH!!!!

*glomps Arthur* poor baby!!!

"once, there was Lancelot - a long time ago..." so does this confirm my theory that time is moving faster in Camelot than on the BBC? Cuz they've made several comments that sound like way more than 3 1/2 years have passed at this point.

"Where will I go???" Go to hell... oh, wait, Arthur is way too nice to say that, but you know he was thinking it!

Poor Merlin, how much pressure can the poor boy take before exploding? he's past due for a mental breakdown. He needs hugs!

That was a lot of words to say "dear lance, plz to kill yourself, mkay?"

Merlin - go to her!!! HUG HER!!!

Also, why isn't Elyan going with her - he's her BROTHER!!!

"you're brave to speak out, Merlin..." LISTEN TO HIM!!!

*sad face* oh, Arthur, your heart, it breaks!

why would they call it a burial if no one is buried?

What is the spell Merlin did? Did he release Lance's soul from the spell or something?

and why is he the ONLY person there to send Lance off?

(glomps poor Merlin)


OMG, okay, second time through did NOT make me feel any better!!!

Seriously, this whole "let's NOT tell Arthur about all the shit Morgana is doing" is pissing me off!!!! Half of these (AMAZING) episodes should have had entirely different endings!

Hey, Arthur, I found this enchanted necklace on your dead father and it reeks of Morgana...

Hey, Arthur, isn't it odd that Gwen went from loving you to loving someone else and back to loving you so very very suddenly? Also, your best knight? He's a shade, which means he's um, very very dead. Sorry about that.

Hey, Arthur, I saw Lance and your uncle conspiring to commit treason, and they happened to mention your evil half-sister while they were skulking not so secretly!

*facepalm* I mean, REALLY???

*deep breath* I don't know the original legends well enough to completely wig out that they fucked over the love triangle thing by making it a spell and not have it happen when everyone was alive and Gwen really did love them both. It's like fanfic Merlin, and I'm cool with that. But it just didn't do any justice to Gwen or Lancelot in the end. They're being punished for something that NEITHER of them did in their right mind. That doesn't change the grief and betrayal that Arthur is feeling, of course, but POOR GWEN! And Lance is no longer the hero that saved them all...

I have no coherent words - lord knows nothing I've written so far is coherent. Please to comment and make my thoughts make sense!
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