Sorry for that rude interuption! I have to use the computers in Medioteka but they're closed after 6pm very suddenly and from 12noon friday to 12noon monday for the weekend, so I've not had a chance to continue
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...I got nearly all of my coursework back yesterday too! Still waiting for one essay back but for my two coursework modules so far I have a first in both! : D Which is obviously awesome, because I never do so well in exams but it should average out as a good 2:1 now : ) I don't think my time abroad counts towards the 25% of my final degree so it
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I was definately not ready for how hard yesterday would be! I know it's silly, I'll be back again before I know, but every person I say goodbye to now I feel that bit closer to being completely on my own. I just remember back to last year and starting uni how homesick I was, I'm terrified of feeling that all over again but worse. Leaving the gig
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Well I've finished uni now so the next couple of weeks in theory are all mine! I've got tonnes of niggly bits to do though; yesterday I had to set up a new bank account (I gotta pay for it and everything like a real grown-up!) and I've been faffing about with insurance and doctors and computers and all that malarky. I think all the really
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