Jacked it from Tara!!

Aug 31, 2004 02:24

Its Long.. kinda


Ever cried over a boy/girl = No

Ever lied to someone = Yes

Ever been in a fist fight = Yes

Ever been arrested = No Comment


Of times I have been in love? = Never

Of times I have had my heart broken? = None

Of hearts I have broken? = Dunno

Of girls I have kissed? = Wouldnt You Like To Know

Of boys I have kissed? = I am not gay.. sorry

Of girls I've slept with? = in the same bed? i know u want to know ;-)

Of boys I've slept with? = in the same bed??? NONE!!! stop asking questions to find out if im gay

Of drugs taken illegally? = None

Of people I would classify as true, could trust with my life type friends? = Maybe 5 or something around there

Of people I consider my enemies? = More than 5

Of times my name has appeared in the newspaper? = Alot.. my names common...

Of scars on my body? = A Few
things in my past that I regret? = I Regret nothing.. but i know i have made my mistakes


Movie = Blink - 182 The Urethra Cronicles 1 and 2

Disney movie = Um.. DuNoo

Scent = umm.. haha..

Word = its 4 WTF Mate

Nickname = Spike? haha not anymore people

Girl name = idk

Boy name = IDK

Video Game = Counter Strike ( computer game )

Eye color = If it was real.. red

Flower = Dont really have any

Color = Orange Red Black

cereal = Dont really eat cereal

Actor = None

Actress = Any Hot Nak'E one

Band/singers = All Time Fav Is Blink One Eight Two

Holiday = Um.. Dont Know.. anyone we have no school!

New nerdy saying = Dunno


Pretty = Are guys soposed to think their pretty?.. i think ur trying to find out if im gay.. god

Funny = yes

Hot = Do You Think I Am Hot?

Friendly = Most Of The Time

Amusing = Yes.. i hope

Ugly = Do You think i am?

Loveable = Yes?

Pessimistic = no?

Optimistic = almost never

Caring = yes..

Sweet = Sure?

Dorky = Im A Loser!!


Spell your first name back wards = kciN or salohciN

The story behind your user name = all i know is its greek for like god.. or kind.. something. ask my grandpa.. he ill give u a while story on it

My live journal name = littlesc0pe

Whats your icon of = A Torjan man condom!

Are you straight?= LIKE A POLL!

Where do you live?= Woodland Hills

FIVE words that sum you up = Weird.. only one


Wallet = Spit Fire

Hairbrush = Dont Have One

Jewelry worn daily = Just my watch

Pillow Cover = One Green one.. and One With Blink 182 on it

Blanket = Its cool.. it is Coke!!

Coffee Cup = What ever it come in from starbucks..

Sunglasses = umm they have orange on the,,.. and they r cool


Underwear= Boxers.. let them be freeeee

Shoes = DVS

Handbag = God.. another question to see if im Gay

CD in stereo right now = in the comp.. A Mix

What you are wearing now = My Boxers.. thats it.. yes im almost nak'E

Piercings = None

Hair = strait and down... all natural color.. lightish brown
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