Where R Jooz? lolz Post teh pixures on teh intardnetz so i can see umz! lolz (can u tell i've been spending waaaay too much time on LJ where people are typing like the prior sentence cuz its funny!?) lolz ummkay, i think my brain is just on overdrive from preparing for my million and a half school-ly things that are occuring simultaneously. (makes me wanna *reverse peristalsis* if u know what i mean lol)au revoir pour maintenant ^_^ oh, and maybe my silliness has to do with the fact that i'm on my upteenth cup of coffee to cram for psyche! T__T
Re: just me...littleshikaMay 16 2007, 13:22:02 UTC
sorry, life is good but i'm avoiding the internet. i thought i'd give you til after school ends before trying to schedule a get together. i need to go up to umass in june though to see the bursar about submitting a tuition waiver so maybe i can take some classes. i'd love it if you had time to act as my campus tour guide.. sorry i've been so silent. might post eventually (that's so ambiguous, hehe).
Comments 8
sorry i've been so silent. might post eventually (that's so ambiguous, hehe).
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