What do you look for in a guy: sweetness, loving, inteligent, kind, honest, true, open, taller than me, nice smile, nice eyes, intelectual, curious, strong family values.
Have you found that in a guy yet?: Yes my darling Mikey
Do you want to get married: Yes
Have children: yes, and puppies and kitties
How many: 3 or 4
Girl Names: Abigale
Boy Names: ummm no idea
With who: Mikey
Are your parents divorced: no my true "parents" are married. My biological father is also married, but has two previous divorce.
Has either one ever been in a previous marriage: yes
How many siblings: bunches, grew up with three
Yall Get along: when we want to
Do you get along with your parents: Yuppers they rock
Do they punish you alot: No, I'm a goddie goddie
--This or That--
Hot Dogs or Hamburgers: Hamburgers
Vegetables or Fruit: Cucumbers
Radio or TV: TV
Boys or Girls: Boys
Pen or Pencil: Postit note pen (which I left at Towson :()
Beavis or Butthead: your mom
Video or DVD: DVD
Reality or Dreams: Dreams.
Boyfriend/Girlfriend or Available: Mikey
--What do you think of when you hear this word--
Biscuit: Limp
Cell: Monks
Booty: Junk in the trunk
School: House Rocks
Friend: but keep the old, one is silver and the other's gold
Cheerleading: Sherri
Smoke: wind and fire
Destiny: Child
Bible: yes that's the book for me
Book: Bible
Honor: Program
Dark: Arts - Snape
Girl: boy
Boy: Mikey
Basketball: Tyler
Hair: Let the sun shine in
Pool: canoeing
--Do you know anyone named--
John: Yes.
Nichole: yes (she was a pledge)
Leslie: Yes (Barber)
Paul: He was Saul
Arnold: HEY!
Abbey: My future daughter also a dog at work
Alli: Yes Eryn's sister
Kelly: mommy
Dustin: nope
Shelby: nope
Roger: Over!
Matthew: yes Betlejewski
Nathaniel: From witch of blackbird pond, he's hot
Scott: paper towles
Philip: yes, Mr Greve
Carrie: yes, Vivian
Kaitlyn: not spelled that way
Bob: Barker who likes to hit on 90-year-old women
Fred: Dropped dead
eaten sushi?: yes
Been on stage?: Yes.
Been dumped?: yes
Had someone been unfaithful to you? yes
Gotten in a car accident? nope
Hiked a mountain? yes
Made homemade cookies?: Yes
Been in love? yes
Seen the White house?: yes, then mike and I were yelled at because we were too close during a protest and met some drunk sweeds who said we should get married
Cold or hot?: Hot (Like Mikey)
Blue or Red?: Blue.
New or old?: Old.
Give or receive?: Give
Wool or cotton?: Wool
Rose or Daisy?: Tulip or Daffodil
Private school or public school?: Public
Chocolate milk or plain milk?: Chocolate milk
Celsius or Fahrenheit? Celsius (I am a scientist afterall)
spring or fall?: spring
History or Science?: Science
Math or English?: English
Who's your funniest friend? Mike, or Em
Who do you e-mail the most?: Dr Iglich or Shonda
Who is the meanest?: Katie ;)
Who's the loudest: Mandy
Who's parents do you know the best?: Ken
Who has the best room? Kim it's rediculas!
Within last 24 hours...
Had a serious talk?: only about prognises
hugged someone?: Yes
gotten along good with your parents? tried to call my mom for mother's day but no one anwsered
Fought with a friend?: no
Do you like to?:::::
hug?: yes
Give back rubs?: yes
Take walks in the rain?: yes.
If you got a tattoo, would it be a snake sliding down your spine?: nope
have you ever had that falling dream?: yes, usually down stairs
What color is your floor/carpet in your room?: none, but my floor is green
What was the last CD you bought? ummmm.....
If you chew gum, what kind?: winterfresh
how do you plan on spending this summer? go to beach with Mikey
Have you ever?
Danced around naked: no
Lied about your bra size: No.
Gotten drunk: No
Run away from cops: No
Flip off you parents behind their backs: No
Mentally undressed someone: no
Eaten crayons:? no
Shoplifted: no
Held a gun: no
Seriously injured yourself: no
When was the last time you....
Sang out loud: Last night
Threw something: yesterday, trash
watched a cartoon: Mike was watching some one sat
Did something you enjoy: now, reading live journal
Do you?
Have a pager: No
Have a cell phone: Yes.
Have a laptop: No.
Have money in pocket right now: No.
Have clothes on right now: Yes
have a mental disease: nope
Lie to people to make them think well of you: No.
Have behavioral problems: no
Have a car: No.
Have self esteem problems: no
Wow that was anti climatic....