Title: In his eyes, I find forever (Epilogue/Omake)
Pairings: Takabu (hinted/one-sided), YabuHika (hinted, one-sided)
Warnings: A little too angsty at times?
Genre: Romance/Angst
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Yeah...well...I wish I owned them, but I don't.
Summary: The storyline starts from when the original Hey!Say!7 guest-starred on Shounen Club and
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Comments 50
keep up the good work!!! :)
I don't know how to tell you about my feeling for this Epilogue and this fic.
I cann't describe it because my English skill so poor.Sorry ne~
But I want you to know I REALLY REALLY REALLY love your fiction!
Ps.Can you see my upload TAKABU in comment chapter 12 ? ♥♥♥
xD, yeah, thanks, I did...HOLY CRAP THEY WERE SO CUTE! I don't know which one I like better, the portrait-style one, or the one with all the cute poses (Takaki + helmet + aviator shades = CRACK!studmuffin...and Yabuchii was just plain cute the entire timeeeee). Thanks for showing them to me, they're soooooooooooo cute!
I like two of them ride bike.Their smile so cute!
Waiting for your new fic! Gambatte ne~ ♥♥♥
“Or weren’t you there when a certain Takaki Yuya was blathering on and on about looking up assassins in the phone book?”
It’s your eyes, Kota, he wanted to say. In your eyes, I found my forever.
WAH That part was so beautiful ♥♥♥
~"YUUYANNN!!!!" Chinen wailed. "YUUYAN, HE DIDN'T COME!!!"
ROFL xDD Chinen has to be the cutest fanboy ever ♥
You should definitely keep writing more fics because you so have a flair for writing xDD
Btw, can I add you as a friend?
xD, I wonder if you can actually FIND assassins in the phone book? *GOES TO LOOK*
^_^, yeah, I've been wanting to work the title in somewhere and it took me like AN HOUR to write that part and make it sound GOOD. I'm glad you liked it!
LOLX, yeah, that was a random after-posting addition I put up because that's the part we all KNOW didn't happen (at least not on the debut DVD, xD) and poor Chinen must have been heartbroken...and yes, he has to be the cutest fanboy in the history of the world.
Awww, thanks! I'm not that great but I'm glad you like my writing anyway!
Sure thing, I'll add you back. Are there any requests you want to make, fic-wise?
Requests? O.O A Takabu smut, maybe, if possible? xDD
xDDDDD, boy, you go for the easy stuff, don't you? Okayz...do you have a theme? And do you want it to be related to this fic or separate?
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*then takes a breath to speak* OMGOMGOMGOMG. It's the ending!! Awww, I really, really, really, really love the ending! Reading this and Chapter Thirteen certainly made my day! Awww.. Yabu and Takaki are sooo cute together! XDD
~"YUUYANNN!!!!" Chinen wailed. "YUUYAN, HE DIDN'T COME!!!"
Takaki rolled his eyes. Some things will never change.
Oh, yes, some things really never change. haha Man, his fanboying over Arashi is so crazy that it's funny. haha
Congrats on finishing this amazing fic series! I had so much fun reading it! :D
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