Title: Seize The Day (1/?)
Pairings: Yabujin (hinted, friendship), Pin (friendship), KoyaRyo (implied)
Genre: Friendship/slight angst/possible romance
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Owning them would be like owning slaves. Illegal.
Series Summary: Jin searches. Yabu waits.
Cause every time we touch, I get this feeling... )
Comments 30
Hahaha, I can just imagine all that in my head. So amusing that he got caught by all the fangirls. Hehehe. I can't wait to read more! This is getting really interesting. I can't wait to find out how Yabu reacts.
Well, I hope you have a fantastic day!
YAY, ANOTHER HOUSE LOVER! (*does Ohno's little purr-ha thing from A.Ra.Shi in celebration*)
It was actually a semi-weird ending for me...definitely a little more...less realistic-feeling? But I mean, I guess celebs would be slightly afraid of getting mauled by the pre-teen fanbase so maybe it's more realistic than I think.
Awww, I'm glad you liked it, thanks! I hope you have a fantastic day as well!
Can't wait for more... good luck on all the homework
Hehe, taht's the same thing that's been running through my head when I reread this chapter. FLEE FOR THE HILLS, JIN!
^_^, I love writing KoyaRyo...they're such a crack serious pairing.
Lolx, yeah, that's my actual voicemail in real life!
-_-, yeah, homework...yay...
Like I’m not here right now!
So leave a message at the beep,
Like so, like ciao!
New voicemail, huh? Jin rolled his eyes. I swear, Hika, you get more and more strange everyday.
-- LMAO, ahahahaha. I could totally imagine Hikaru having this voicemail!
Shut up, at least I’m not a pedo like you with Yabu-OW!
-- Ping! You gave it away. xP
Jin gave a quick look at the fangirls and smiled weakly. Shit.
-- Uh-oh. D:
OMG, you have such ideas on your A/N!
Forgot to comment...
Cause every time we touch,
I get this feeling,
And every time we kiss,
I reach for the sky
-- What's up with this one? LOL. xDDD
now I have to go find part 1...
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