Title: Don’t Go Anywhere
Pairings: Takabu
Genre: Angst/Romance
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Owning JUMP would be like owning slaves. Illegal.
Summary: Sometimes, Takaki wonders what would happen if Yabu ever left.
Sometimes, Takaki wonders what would happen if Yabu ever left.
Akanishi-kun did it once, after all. He left for a full six months, leaving KT-TUN without it’s A and a country filled with Japanese girls without one of their favorite heartthrobs.
But this is different, his heart reminds him gently. This is Kota.
Yes, JUMP officially had no leader, a fact that Takaki always resented. Because everyone, fans and Johnny’s alike, knew that that Yabu was the one who held JUMP together and it was ridiculous to not give him any credit for it at all. Who else knew everyone’s schedules by heart? Who else could keep Ryutaro from strangling Shintaro and Yuto from starting an all-out prank war with the sempai? Who made sure that Yamada got enough sleep each night and that Chinen got a massive hug and a piggyback ride on a bad day? That Keito would always have someone to go to for advice and that Hikaru would have someone to try a new joke on? Who else was there to reassure Daiki that his height wasn’t THAT bad for a 17-year-old boy (even though it was) and to pull Inoo back into the camera shot during the Music Station Super Live?
Who else is always there for me, no matter how much the others need him too?
Yabu did all that and so, so much more. And that was what scared Takaki the most.
What if he ever grew tired of the limelight? What if he learned to hate doing all the thankless jobs? What if he ever pulled a Taiyo and left the jimusho for good?
No one else seemed to share this horrifying thought. But after years of scandals and mayhem, after Rubi and after Kamei, Takaki had grown wise to the ways of the industry. And he knew that there was always the chance that Yabu could or would leave, that he was smart enough and talented enough to make it out in the big, bold, non-Johnny world. And that the world would easily forget that Yabu Kota had ever existed, just as they had done with Hikaru Genji and all those other groups that had disappeared before Takaki had even heard of Johnny’s Jimusho.
“Takaki…” He turned around to see the man of the hour walking up behind him.
“Yeah, Kota?” Takaki grinned hesitantly.
Yabu laughed softly and wrapped his arms around him. “Stop worrying. I’m not going anywhere.”
His shoulders tightened. “You promise?”
“I promise,” Yabu whispered, leaning his head against Takaki’s back. “I’ll always be here as long as you need me.”
“And what if I need you forever?”
“Then I’ll be here forever.”
And standing there, with Yabu’s arms around him and the sun’s glow washing over him, Takaki laughed silently at himself and wondered why he had ever been so worried.
A/N: So it's been a while.
Sorry, I've been very busy and very writer's blocked. And also, I'm still sort of jaded with JUMP. Arashi rules my life now and KAT-TUN's One Drop is my current favorite song. Actually, the only recently awesome thing that I've seen from JUMP is Yuto, Yamada, and Ryutaro's performance of One Drop on SwH (if you haven't seen it, GO! GO NOW!).
But I was skimming through the Jent fanfiction LJ and I ran across a fic by
selfdemo that had my name in it and I felt incredibly honored to know that they liked my work. So I wrote this as a thank-you. Hopefully it didn't suck TOO much!