Sorry to post twice in a row but I want to share a few of my little notes from last night since I couldn't get on after the show because of the weather. Anyway...
It's the only tv show that's ever made me weep like a little child. A few other things:
1. Dayum you Locke. And I liked you a lot, but you utlimately caused Boone's death and now you must pay.
2. Kate is an idiot. "Oh like OMG I'm so useless I can't even bring the alcohol back without tripping over my own feet and breaking half the bottles." DIE KATE.
3. Hey there Shannon. Hope you enjoyed your night with Sayid. You don't feel that way about Boone, huh? Wait, then why'd you sleep with him then? Had to try out the merchandise just to make sure? You conveniently didn't tell Sayid that part. Well you don't have to worry about Boone interfering in your little slutfest with Sayid now. Hope you're happy.
4. OMG WTF was that thing they were going to use on his leg? A guillotine? I started sobbing at that point and didn't stop until the show ended.
5. I loved Sun and Jack in this eppie. Especially Jack for caring so deeply about Boone. His heartbroken near tears face at the end right before he told Shannon the news had me in tears. LOVE YOU JACK and at least you're still on there *sob* And it makes me love him all the more now that he's not just sitting back and sobbing but going after Locke to find justice.
6. Suck you Lost writers for writing such an obvious and horribly predictable plotline. I'm disappointed in you. If there hadn't been this huge tear jerking factor last night, this would have been the most boring thing ever.
7. And suck you Lost again for not just killing off Boone but giving him this horrible, painful, undeserved, long, drawn out death and then not even giving him time to get out his last words. DAYUM YOU.
8. Poor Ian. On GMA this morning it seemed he wasn't even aware that his character was going to be killed off until a couple weeks before it happened. He seemed a little speechless on there this morning and when she was like, "Now we're going to watch your death scene again" and he did that little pouty face AWOMGHEARTBREAKING. Until now, I thought he had probably known all along his character would be killed off. Sucks to be Ian right now. *pets him* Oh Ian, how I'll miss you and your beautiful eyes on my TV every week.
9. WTF is this, Survivor? Who'll be "voted off the island next"?
10. I hate Lost right now. Sucks monkey balls.
11. By the end of the show, I'd shredded an entire paper towel into itty bitty pieces without even realizing it.
12. So Jack's married? No wonder him and Kate haven't done the woop yet. I actually kind of expected it (him to be married, that is) all along though.
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