RDM says that Chief, Tigh, Anders & Tori really are Cylons. See:
Yes, they are. Ron Moore clears up BSG's season finale.
I was positively giddy for Starbuck's return! I hadn't read any spoilers,and I was thinking it would be several episodes into next season before we saw her again, but as soon as he saw the blip, I started to hope. I actually caught myself leaning forward and tipping my head, trying to get a glimpse of her through the window of his Viper, before she was actually visible on screen. LOL
LOVED the atty's and Lee's reactions to Baltar after the trial was over. Baltar actually thought they sort of liked him. HA!
Bill & Roslin are sweet, but she's dying, and that makes it sad.
Cally's gonna be PISSED about marrying a Cylon. And Athena had so better rub her nose in it.
I love James Callis, but I really wish Baltar would get himself killed already. I kinda liked him when he was with the Cylons, but now he's back to his old tricks, and ugh! Die!
I'm thrilled, thrilled, thrilled that Starbuck is back. She better be BACK-back, too. No Angel!Buck, thank you. I want the wonderful, snarky smartass we know and love!