Nov 16, 2010 12:17
- Sun, 14:44: break time desu~
- Sun, 15:52: there's frost on the trees, so I'm going to assume that it's below freezing atm...funny, I still don't really want to put on my coat
- Sun, 16:09: @ baejunpark no, I'm just not a stick
- Sun, 17:24: @ baejunpark and complaining the whole way no doubt, remember, they're not from here.
- Sun, 17:41: @
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Nov 15, 2010 12:02
- Sun, 08:18: it's too damn early, why do I bother waking up at this time? I'm to pissed that I'm awake to get ne thing done >:(
Nov 14, 2010 12:02
- Fri, 18:34: great, my knee is fucked up, my ankle is acting up, and I can't put any weight on my wrist. fml
- Fri, 20:50: so, sad day. took out one of the piercings, because I couldn't lie to myself any more, it was rejecting. T_T
- Fri, 20:55: @ guitarmusiclove I know, and once I took it out, I felt like an asshole for not taking it out sooner
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Nov 11, 2010 12:03
- Tue, 17:23: this happens every year, every time, this time I want to cross the line, but as always I'll wait till next time
- Tue, 22:44: When I'm looking for inspiration, I always look in the gutters.
- Wed, 07:02: it took me an hour and a half to fall asleep -__- and I wake up now *sigh* at least I managed to sleep during the designated hours
Nov 10, 2010 12:02
- Tue, 02:14: "the pic had this old lady's pussy that was this big, and --" "Aww, cute, I'd love to have a cat that big, it would be so cute!"