friday is taking its time getting here. gaylord. we switched over to tmobile today, and i still have the same number. i guess thats it, tomorrow morning, im gonna go look ay stereos for my truck. pimp.
i totally won 500 tickets at the dream machine, and got cool kids stuff.
i did my first oil change today, and i felt like a boy. phase one of getting my truck to pimp status is starting, me and my sister are looking at sweet systems tomorrow.
today i sat around and watched tv the whole day. i woke up at 4 in the afternoon. and i hope i didnt have to work today. i found my spanish book though, which means im up 50 bucks. it was def. too hot to live today. hopefully ill see brendan soon, and i miss tony.
work was aweful today, it mostly stunk because tall fat balding men came in and winked at me. i cried, and didnt eat any of my dinner. i shouldve given it to my boiii paul. he reminds me of ortiz. the last 2 days have been amazing. and tomorrow will top it off because im seeng two of the loves of my life.