I'm off to visit relatives for a while ^o^ don't look for me, okie?? I'm sooooo wired on sugar right now it would noooooott be wise... nope nope 6,6
Boss sent me on a mission to Germanyyyy ^o^ Isn't that AWESOME?!!! So like... yeah. I gotta kill this one dude there who is inventing poison remedies or something 6,6 Whatever, I have his identification and what-have-you ^o^ should be easy~!
9.9 Ok now that it ish private...
I'll be back soon Okie~??? I'll bring you something back from Germany!!
Oh oh, and don't do anything that would make meh spank ye when I get back, mmmmmmmmk???????? =v=
OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH!!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!!one!!!!ELEVEN!!!!!!!!
^o^ I'll get your birthday present while I'm here!!
And don't try and say you don't need it, cuz you know U.U I'll get it for you anyway. OK??????????!!222
Sorry I haven't been online this while ^_^; My friends dragged me off state-hopping. We're in NYC right now (@3@;;;) and I'm stealing my friend's library card to do it. So like... yeah. Dunno when I'll be back, but I'm not abandoning you all!! @3@