Jul 25, 2004 23:46
i just accidentally erased all of my interests. that's frustrating
Jul 20, 2004 22:58
i want to know where my new guitar is.
and my cab too.
Jul 17, 2004 15:27
i finally got a cell phone xxx-xxx-3154
May 22, 2004 18:29
it must be fencing season, im remembering what it's like to work in the summer. i worked 64 hours this week.
Apr 18, 2004 18:56
im so happy, i lost some of my paintball stuff, and while i was looking for it, i came across a whole bunch of cd's i've been missing for a long time. im happy enough about it that i dont' care that i can't find my paintball stuff.
Mar 02, 2004 23:26
♥You and ♥Me
- Are rumoured to have conceived a genius child.
- Can't wait to hug each other far too often.
- Share a deep puddle of secrets.