I don't know if I can do this. I can't watch people 24/7, not as a nurse, nor as their friend. But I can't help caring about them 24/7. Mother Theresa said once, "Love until it hurts, and the hurt will go away, and there is only love
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It's not too hard. Angie's barely speaking but she's not tried to hurt herself, either, lets me come sit with her, take her to the shower...Colin came and sat with her for a little bit, very kind he was. I'm worried but not frantic, sad but not impossibly so
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Can barely write this. We're not going to have this baby. ...Angie...is not going to have this baby. I don't know. How to word it? Nobody 'lost' the baby. but it's not coming to us. The pregnancy is over. Oh, honey, take care of that little soul, will you? I need to go see Ang. blessings on your head.
Mommy wants company. I want a pet. Orli's dog is here, Eliza brought her dog, Brad brought his dog, I overheard Jeremy say he wants his dog. I want a cat. Or two. I miss your kitty, honey, she didn't live long after you died...I wonder if Angie would mind?
Finally got the room cleaned up after Jeremy and Heath. I'm not gonna wash the skateboard marks off the wall, tho. I'm sure Heath didn't know he did that. But Jeremy's puddle and the dirt (mud) from their sneakers, even after coming up all the stairs
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Anotherlongepisode with Orli. I love that boy, but how many times can I save him, before I can't? Not again. No, please, not again. I need to talk to someone-not Jake, Johnny maybe? about Miles, about everything.