second star to the right.

Jun 16, 2009 13:16

c h a r a c t e r i z a t i o n

Name: Suzaku Kururugi.
Age: 18.
Gender: Male.
Fandom: Code Geass.
Timeline: Post-FLEIJA.

Character Personality: It can’t be called contradictory, but what Suzaku’s personality does make a bit of an oxymoron. He’s friendly as he keeps people away; he’ll advocate justice and fairness while giving tiny lies; he hadn’t been ‘truly happy’ for close to seven years, and yet he’ll often go out of his way to ensure other’s contentedness. Complacity and obedience were the names of the game, and he tended to play the game to perfection - a game that meant caring for others (genuinely) while moving toward his admittedly idealistic goals with a single-minded determination, even while he’d say that the ends would never justify the means (a saying he begins to go back on). Even if he’d nod and agree to orders, when he had a solid reason to believe in, he’d hold on to it with all that he could; the main one being that justice should be done as non-violently as possible, that ‘changing things from the inside’ was so much better than the other option of an immediate upheaval.

That was his thinking. His actual doing tended to come out a bit different.

An outsider might say that he had a hero complex, what with how he’d put himself in the front lines and the worst situations without batting an eye. An insider would learn that that was because, in all honesty, Suzaku had long resigned himself to death, and he firmly believed that murder and the death of others is wholly unnecessary- that it would be far better if he died, instead of them. You see, the word guilt and penance played a giant role in his life. Ever since he was ten, the regret over murdering his father has colored everything that he's done, to the point that it would be rather fair to say that he was suicidal. It wasn't simply because he didn't have a strong core (though his true goal was to find a reason to live, a goal he's taken a while to fulfill), because he did have an amazingly tough one. He simply believed that things could be accomplished with less bloodshed. A bit ironic, for someone who's become a soldier.

Outside of those dark details, though Suzaku is a pretty unruffled sort of guy. While his moves were all split-second decisions, full of perception and intuition (another thing he's turned on people, with the large tendency toward protectiveness), in a normal setting, he seems to have his calm constantly. Shock, surprise and freaking out over "small details" just isn't what Kururugi does - he saves all of those reactions for things that really call for them.

He might appear a bit drywall, on that note, or too serious - and that was true; he'd really forgotten how to have a good amount of 'fun' - but being kind and polite abated that fact completely. There was a side of bluntness to it, but even if he made sure to keep people at a respectable distance, he had an extensive tendency toward loyalty, and was far too prone to wishing for the ideal of compromise and harmony for his own good.

Although deploring any hint of selfishness in himself, it could be said that his one wish (which he'd proclaimed to have given up on, but it hadn't actually faded) was to belong somewhere. Coupled with the 'chivalry and honor on the battlefield' he'd been ingrained with as a child, Suzaku would always be the quiet, optimistically pessimistic force that appeared when least expected - and being forgotten like that didn't bother him in the least.

Character Abilities: Although he doesn't have a single supernatural bone in his body, he should. His physical prowess is a bit insane. He can run part-way up walls, spin kick machine guns, dodge bullets, outrun a giant robot to rescue a cat and be one of the best practitioners of kendo to be found. He's intuitive and amazingly quick in both reactions and judgments. On top of all that, Zero had used his Geass to place the 'curse' of "to live" on him, which meant that when his life was in jeopardy, Suzaku is forced to do everything in his power to not die.

Character Weaknesses: First and foremost, that boost can very well backfire on him. 'To live' doesn't include other people - and with Suzaku's already growing guilt over murdering, it hits home a bit hard when he finds out that he's saving himself and murdering a million others. Although physically strong, intellectualism was never Suzaku's job. He can follow orders amazingly (to the T, really), but actually scheming up a plan just isn't something he can do very well; acting before thinking is a main staple in the Kururugi mindset. Being prone to putting himself into a lot of danger intentionally also hiked up the 'risk of death' chart, along with how he'll often fall back to conformity without much question (unless it goes against his main principles, though even that can be shaky with how his life was shaping up).

He's also grown so used to being disliked that he won't go much out of his way to preserve his own skin. He tends to put his faith completely in others, to the point that when they fall, he falls with them.


Why your character should be a Weapon: Suzaku may be physically fit, but he's never been a leader. Carrying out directions is more second nature than taking up any sort of helm for himself. Plus, his low amount of self-preservation doesn't extend to others - he's far more happy to assure that someone else survives. Being used to make a better world is simply part of the reason he's continued to go on.

What is your character's Weapon form?: A short tanto knife. If the resonation between Suzaku and his Meister is bad, placing the blade on a wound would help to close it - if resonation is good, it functions as well as any dagger can, if not better. But there isn't a middle road to this-- he'll either aid in healing, or aid in killing. No partial form.


Soul Description: Regretful, calm, merciful, practical, stubborn, loyal.

Soul Appearance: A dark, muddied red ball without any sort of facial features - or much of any features at all. There are small 'cracks' of white, but that's it.
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