I agree. I think all politicians should be forced to take history courses. The reason being because we can learn so much from history, and when we elect people to run a country, it would be helpful if they knew the history in which they should be learning from! Then again, at least here, we don't elect people based on the recognition of their name on the ballot, or their level of fame, as is the sad case in many third world countries.
When the poem says that "all time is eternally present", I didn't even take it as living in the now - it's as though everything is contained within each fleeting moment and action, because not only is it a direct product of the events of the past, but it will in turn have an effect on what happens in the future; and that's why each action you take matters. As much as we can always learn from the past, we can also use the present to make our future presents better pasts! Haha.
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