1. Go to Google (or Yahoo) and type, "You know you're from (your state) when...."
2. Cut and paste the list.
3. Bold the items that apply to you.
--snagged from
redbrunja Anyway, I decided that I'm going to do two of these, because I feel that I live in two states: Vermont and New Hampshire.
Your idea of a traffic jam is 10 cars waiting to pass a tractor on the highway.
Vacation means going up north to Pittsburg for the weekend.
You measure distance in hours.*
You know several people that have hit deer more than once.
You often switch from "heat" to "A/C" in the same day and back again.
You use a down comforter in the summer.
You drive at 65 mph through 2 feet of snow during a raging blizzard, without flinching.
You see people wearing hunting clothes at social events or church.
You install security lights on your house and garage and leave both unlocked.
You think of the major food groups as venison, cider, fish, and berries.
You carry jumper cables in your car and your girlfriend/wife knows how to use them.
There are 7 empty cars running in the parking lot at Cricenti's Market at any given time.
Your Grammie's birthday party was in the town hall and the whole town showed up.
You design your kids Halloween costume to fit over their snowsuit.
Driving is better in winter because all the potholes are filled with snow.
You know at least one person who has hit a moose.
You know all four seasons: almost winter, winter, still winter, and road construction. (and maybe a 5th -- mud!)
(Or -- tourist, foliage, skiing and mud)
It takes you 3 hours to go to the store for milk even when you're in a hurry because you have to stop and talk to everyone in town.
Your uncle mows the town common.
You buy your Christmas presents at the feed and grain store.
You've pulled over to let a flock of wild turkeys (or pheasants) cross the road.
You define summer as three months of bad sledding.
Snow tires come standard on all your cars and trucks.
You can't go barefoot until the snow is gone from the top of Mt. Moosilauke.
You refer to the Patriots as "we".
You can identify a Massachusetts accent.
You keep your potatoes and onions "down cella", and your canned goods on shelves in the "cella-way".
You know what cow-tipping is.
"Down South" to you means Boston.
You consider Manchester exotic.
You can actually pronounce "Kancamagus" and know what it is.**
You know what a bubbler is.
Your neighbor throws a party to celebrate his new machine shed.
You can recognize someone from Massachusetts from their driving.
You drink soda and refer to your dad or grandpa as "Pop".
You ride your ski-doo to meet your friends at a restaurant for dinner, and that's how they get there too!
You can actually pronounce and spell "Winnipesauke".***
You know where Contoocook is, and how to pronounce it.
You can visit Berlin, New London, Bethlehem, Lisbon, Lebanon and Dublin all in one afternoon.
You only know three spices: salt, pepper, and ketchup.
You're proud of the only NH President, though he's not remembered for much.
You've visited the homestead of Franklin Pierce, because he's the only President from New Hampshire.
You've seen mosquitoes with landing lights.
The local paper covers major headlines on one page, but requires four pages for local sports.
At least twice a year, your kitchen doubles as a meat processing plant.
Your snow blower gets stuck on the roof.
You think the start of deer season is a national holiday.
You find 0 degrees a little chilly.
* And when not able to do so, minutes apply as well.
** If it's anything other than a highway, then I don't know.
*** I'm sure I could spell it if I'm absolutely needed to.