[[Filtered to Zangetsu's students]]
There will be a practical examination tomorrow. If you do not have a partner, one will be assigned to you.
*crouches on a railing in the Front Hall, the breeze from the open doors scattering autumn leaves around him, marking the teams he's gotten so far into a different notebook*
*your name here* )
Comments 9
[[I've been trying to figure out a good way to do this in future and... so far drawing a blank. XD;]]
((Hope you don't mind Jade coming to bug Zangetsu for a bit? ^^))
[[Not at all! ^__^]]
I am Jade Curtiss, the new Care of Magical Creatures professor.
*drops from his perch, landing so lightly he might almost have floated all the way down*
*a breeze blows a few strands of hair across his eyes as he memorizes the other teacher's face; curiously, though, he seems to have an almost knowing expression somewhere in his deadpan stare*
..Zangetsu. I teach Transfiguration. *unsaid, but still hanging in the air after the sentence, is the word mostly.....*
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