Ok. I've realized several things since I last posted.
1. I start things, then never finish them on a freakishly regular basis
2. I suck at self-control
3. I forget important things, such as the names of people in my class, that there are in fact, 60 minutes, and not 100, in an hour, and how to spell simple words
4. I have not posted in ages
I have been trying various methods to deal with the above.
I have developed a schedule to stick to so I would follow through, but it doesn't seem to be helping that much. Cue incentive program! Basically, I plan to have the close people in my life dish out punishments/rewards for corresponding behaviour. Yes, that basically means I'm trying to train myself like a dog.
No-no behaviour includes:
Procrastinating, not following through, being lazy, eating junk whenever I want, giving up on my self-instigated projects, beating myself up about little things, being late, being unsociable
Encouraged behaviour includes:
Eating healthily, being active, sticking to schedule, doing homework early in the afternoon, finishing projects, being positive and confident.
Any suggestions for punishments/rewards, or alternative methods are appreciated, the punishments as demeaning or unpleasant as possible, the rewards... rewarding, preferably healthy, and short, and alternative methods as sure-fire as possible. I am considering recording punishments and posting on YouTube, as added incentive.
In other news, I have discovered Charlieissocoollike, the Vlogbrothers, and Nerimon on YouTube, so I am proud to announce that I am now a Nerdfighter! Yeah! Charlie is hilarious, but he also makes me a bit nostalgic. He reminds me of my cousin, and England in general, which makes me miss my relatives, all of whom live in the UK. Damn.
I've also changed my religion into one that I actually feel I can relate to. I used to be Christian, but I noticed about a month or so ago that the only reason I believed in God was a sort of 'airbag', giving me something to cling to when I was worrying about stuff. Other than then, I didn't really believe in God.
So, while I tried to figure out what kind of God I believed in (or if I believed in God at all), I went through a temporary phase of atheism. Then I discovered Wicca. Just to clarify, Wicca is NOT satanism. In fact, Wiccans usually do not acknowledge the existence of Satan at all. Basically being Wiccan entails that you respect the environment, you respect other people and yourself, and above all you do not harm people. A lot of the rest can change to fit your own beliefs. I particularly liked the fact that there is no stance on sexual orientation - it's all-accepting, and that it is one of the only religions I've come across that takes a stance on the environment. Some of the main beliefs (which I believe in), are reincarnation after Death, and the existance of a male and female side to the one deity. I'm not trying to convert, just make sure people don't attack me, because people often misunderstand what Wicca is about. I consider myself a sort-of Wiccan cross Buddhist (they aren't mutually exclusive)
Oh, and I re-wrote my Day Zero list:
Answer the 50 Questions That Will Free My Mind
Astral projection and bending exercises every day for a month (i.e. test to see if the whole idea is bogus)
Ask myself the 20 Questions You Should Ask Yourself Every Sunday each weekend for a month
Be a model for something
Be able to look at myself in the mirror and think ‘I’m beautiful’ and mean it
Break inability to complete things habit by finishing this list
Bury a time capsule
Buy 10 "Just because" gifts for people
Buy 10 food items for the sole purpose of donating to a food bank
Complete a 26 Things photo shoot
Complete at least 10 items of my ‘to learn list’
Compliment everyone I interact with for 1 day (must be a day spent outside the house)
Cook 5 new ethnic dishes
Create the first volume of our manga
Design and sew an outfit
Do a 21-day fast
Do a 40-hr famine
Do ESP practice every night for a month
Do Project:365
Do the 200 sit-up challenge
Do the 75 Skills Every Woman Should Master
Document a day in the life of me, one day a month, in pictures.
Don’t complain about anything for a week
Donate 5 books to the local library
Donate blood
*You know what goes here*
Fill a sketchbook with drawings (1 drawing or 3 doodles per page)
Finish writing one novel and get it published
Fulfil my 1 year goals
Get a makeover
Get a professional massage
Get an Akashi Record Reading, aura reading and/or palm reading
Get into a movie with at least 2 lines
Get my website up
Give free hugs/high fives in a public place for ten minutes
Go a day without; speaking a single word, sight, technology
Go a week without internet and computer
Go a week without shoes
Go a week without using the word ‘no’ to answer requests (see Yesman) Bonus Challenge: Go a month
Go skinny-dipping outside
Go to a yoga class
Go trick-or-treating for Halloween
Go vegan for a week
Have 5 conversations with strangers
Have a hypnosis session
Help out 20 strangers
Invent a signature dish that represents me
Join an offline creative group, e.g. art group or writing group
Keep a dream diary for a month and then get it interpreted
Keep a food diary for a month
Keep a “My Day in Six Words” journal for 6 months
Kick butt in the HSC
Learn to hack, then hack into a website with good security
Leave an inspirational note in a book for someone to find
Listen to 26 songs I’ve never listened to starting with each letter of the alphabet
Make a detailed costume for Smash 2011-2013 (if applicable), then show it off
Make a wish jar
Make an Amigurumi
Make an awesome art piece on a canvas
Make an iTunes playlist of 101 of my favourite songs
Meditate every day for a month
Move out
No fast food or junk food for a month No soft-drinks for a month
Participate in Script Frenzy 2011, 2012 and 2013
Participate in NaNoWriMo 2011 and 2012
Participate in PostSecret
Pick a guerrilla art project, and set it up somewhere really public
Plant a window box herb garden
Post 10 Operation Beautiful notes
Pull the greatest, most daring pranks for my muck-up day
Read 100 new books
Run a mini-marathon.
Sell something I make
Send a message in a bottle
Sing well in a public place e.g. busk
Sort the files on my computer, including music files and my desktop and keep it all organized
Sort through my clothes and donate what I no longer wear
Spend a night in a tree/tree house
Spend at least four days without any human contact
Submit something creative to a public contest
Take a photo of the same place every month for year and then turn it into a calendar for the next year
Take a trip to somewhere I haven’t been at least three times
Take the 100 strangers challenge
Take the 5000 question survey
Throw all of the world’s countries in a hat and pick 10. Read a book on each country’s history.
Throw the name of all existing music genres in a hat. Pick 10 of them and discover 3 artists/musicians from that genre.
Tie a secret to a balloon and let it go
Volunteer in a homeless shelter, a food bank, soup kitchen or women’s shelter.
Watch 26 movies I've never seen starting with each letter of the Alphabet
Watch the sun rise and set in the same day.
Wear my hair down for an entire week (because I tie it up way too often)
Write 10 letters to authors, actors, etc that aren’t well-known, and tell them how much I appreciate their work
Write a detailed zombie apocalypse plan
Write a letter to myself to open in 10 years and another for when the 1001 days are over
Write a letter to send across the world to some person chosen at random
Write a list of Strengths and Weaknesses and at the end of the 1001 days, be able to cross off 25 weaknesses, and add 25 strengths.
Write a new short story every day for a month
Write a personal mission statement
Write five “Dear Stranger” letters and leave them in random spots around the city
I'm so on top of things.... I've only completed about 10....
Anyway, toodles!