My Day Zero Project!

Feb 20, 2011 22:46


...That was the lamest intro ever. Whatever. I'm livinginthewing, and I'm using this account to document my dayzero project (which was sarbear12456's idea, by the way. To document it, that is. I found out about dayzero all by myself :) Thanks though sarbear!). Basically, if you don't know what the dayzero project is, you get 1001 days, and make a list of 101 things you want to do within that time. I started on the 24 of Jan this year, which gives me til October 22nd 2013. The website is

What I plan on doing is posting entries every time I complete something on the list (some things are ongoing, like writing a diary entry every week). Since I am a busy person, (no excuse, I know), I'm giving myself 5 skips on the ongoing things that I have to do every week/day, in case something comes up, and 2 on the monthly things, for the same reason.
Oh, and if I deem something too personal, I'm not going to post it. Or I'll set it to private, whichever takes my fancy at the time.

So, without further ado, here is my list;

1. Answer the 50 Questions That Will Free My Mind
2. Ask 20 friends to suggest one book, and read them all
3. At the end of every week for the 1001 days, empty purse of spare change and save it.
4. Be a model for something
5. Be able to name all of Canada’s Prime Ministers starting from the first to the current one.
6. Break inability to complete things habit by finishing this list
7. Bring a homemade lunch to work every day for a week
8. Bury a time capsule
9. Buy 10 "Just because" gifts for people
10. Buy 10 food items for the sole purpose of donating to a food bank
11. Complete a 26 Things photo shoot
12. Compliment everyone I interact with for 1 day (must be a day spent outside the house)
13. Cook 5 new ethnic dishes
14. Create a manga story
15. Design an outfit from things lying around
16. Do ESP practice every night
17. Do a 40-hr famine
18. Document a day in the life of me, one day a month, in pictures.
19. Don’t complain about anything for a week
20. Donate 5 books to the local library
21. Donate blood
22. Fill a sketchbook with drawings (1 drawing or 3 doodles per page)
23. Find a new hobby every two weeks
24. Finish writing one novel and get it published
25. Get a complete makeover
26. Get a professional massage
27. Get an Akashi Record Reading and aura reading
28. Get into a movie with at least 2 lines
29. Get into the teacher’s lounge on muck-up day and cover everything in foil
30. Get my website up
31. Give free hugs in a public place for ten minutes (or hi-fives)
32. Go a day without:
a. Speaking a single word
b. Sight
c. Technology
33. Go a week without internet and computer
34. Go a week without television
35. Go blueberry picking
36. Go skinny-dipping outside
37. Go to a yoga class
38. Go Trick-or-Treating for Halloween
39. Have 5 conversations with strangers
40. Have a hypnosis session
41. Help out 20 strangers
42. Implement 5 "Go Green" tips
43. Improve confidence - do an exercise a night
44. Invent a signature dish that represents me
45. Join an offline creative group, e.g. art group or writing group
46. Keep a “My Day in Six Words” journal for 6 months
47. Kick butt in the HSC
48. Learn a new word every day for the 1001 days
49. Learn Esperanto, enough Japanese to be able to have a smooth conversation with my native speaker teacher, two other Asian languages, four European ones and basic sign language (and if I still have enough time, Braille) (when I say learn, I mean the basics of each language. Where is the bathroom, my friend will pay, and all that)
50. Learn Par Kour
51. Learn to astral project (i.e. test to see if the whole idea is bogus)
52. Learn to hold my breath for long periods of time
53. Learn to use HTML fully, then explore a website with good security
54. Learn to identify 10 constellations
55. Learn to palm read
56. Leave an inspirational note in a book for someone to find
57. Listen to 26 songs I’ve never listened to starting with each letter of the alphabet
58. Make a detailed costume for Smash 2011-2013 (if applicable), then show it off
59. Make an Amigurumi
60. Make an awesome art piece on a canvas
61. Make an iTunes playlist of 101 of my favourite songs
62. Make homemade orange juice
63. Make the perfect lemonade
64. No fast food or junk food for a month
65. No soft-drinks for a month
66. Organize my closets and keep them organized
67. Participate in NaNoWriMo 2011 and 2012
68. Pick a guerrilla art project, and set it up somewhere really public
69. Plant a window box herb garden
70. Post 10 Operation Beautiful notes
71. Read one non-fiction and one fiction book every week
72. Read the paper every week
73. Run a half-marathon.
74. Sell something I make
75. Send a message in a bottle
76. Send emails to various and update journal entries once a week
77. Sing well in a public place
78. Sort the files on my computer, including music files and my desktop and keep it all organized
79. Sort through my clothes and donate what I no longer wear
80. Spend a night in a tree house
81. Spend at least four days on my own
82. Start listening when I need to
83. Submit something creative to a public contest
84. Take a photo of the same place every month for year and then turn it into a calendar for the next year
85. Take a trip to somewhere I haven’t been at least three times
86. Take the 5000 question survey
87. Throw all of the world’s countries in a hat and pick 10. Read a book on each country’s history.
88. Throw the name of all existing music genres in a hat. Pick 10 of them and discover 3 artists/musicians from that genre.
89. Tie a secret to a balloon and let it go
90. Try 5 foods I've never had before
91. Volunteer in a homeless shelter, a food bank, soup kitchen or women’s shelter.
92. Watch 26 movies I've never seen starting with each letter of the Alphabet
93. Watch the sun rise and set in the same day.
94. Wear my hair down for an entire week (because I tie it up way too often)
95. Write 10 letters to authors, actors, etc that aren’t well-known, and tell them how much I appreciate their work
96. Write a detailed zombie apocalypse plan
97. Write a letter to myself to open in 10 years and another for when the 1001 days are over
98. Write a new list for the next 1001 days. 
99. Write a personal mission statement
100. Write five “Dear Stranger” letters and leave them in random spots around the city
101. Write with my left hand for a day

I have already completed a few, and I'm going to post the entries on those as soon as I can. Hey, year 11 is time-consuming! 
I'm first of all, going to type up my lists, 5000 question survey, my day in 6 words entries, and write what I thought of the movies I've seen so  far. 
If you think this is really boring, tell me, and I'll try to insert a healthy dose of sarcasm and cynicism.
I'm out. Cya

Oh, before I forget, this is not my final version of my list. If I've completed something, I might add something extra I could do to make it harder, or more fun, or I might decide one of the items was a stupid idea, and change it to something else I want to do. I'll say so if I do though.

project, entries, sarbear12456, hello, welcome, intro, dayzero, blog, day zero

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