Very bored and upset. Drama with friends is never good. Pisses me off, ruins my day. Blah. I need to get out of this house. I've been here too long. I need to get away for like a day or at least a few hours. Bored out of my mind. Lonely out of my mind. I'll probably go to the mall and go boy hunting. hmm. I dunno.
I wish people would leave me alone... and you know who you are. You don't know why I do the things I do because I don't tell you the whole story. There's a reasoning in me much deeper than you know as to why I'm making the decision I'm making. So leave me alone, because I don't plan to tell you why and I don't plan to change my mind.
Just got home from seeing Friday Night Lights. Such a good movie. Made me cry. Jay Hernandez is one sexy man if I might say so maself. Bored... so bored. Someone get online and talk to me. Kinda depressed. Only God knows why.
I've had an Xanga journal for a while now, but everyone else has a LiveJournal and so I decided to follow the crowd just as I always do. Well hopefully right now it looks ok. I've been working on the whole color scheme, but I'm thinking it's gonna turn out like shit. I'm pretty bored. Nothing exciting going on...