oh but jacky... why would you want to talk to me if i just make ur problems worse?
Talk to me about what, Jacky? Because when we "talked" all u did was complain about how bad of a friend i was. Which personally i dont think i was a bad friend to you. You dont appreciate half the people around you. But if im such a bad friend... why would we need to work things out. Its all already set.
Ok i Just need to bud in tot ell u that Jacky was always sayin how good of a friend u were. I was Jelious if her cause she was always talking about u and wes. I know that things were siad but its over.....
Comments 11
Talk to me about what, Jacky? Because when we "talked" all u did was complain about how bad of a friend i was. Which personally i dont think i was a bad friend to you. You dont appreciate half the people around you. But if im such a bad friend... why would we need to work things out. Its all already set.
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