Bebe clothes & stuff.

Jan 12, 2007 19:22

I took these with a crappy webcam so picture quality is seriously horrible.
but hey, the stuff is still cute.

her bed set-up:

cute spring time outfit.


to the pond:





details on pant leg:

details on shirt:

fun in the sun!:

pant detail:

shirt detail:

sun suit:


care bear wipes!:

&& this was me at 35 weeks & 1 day:


so, as you can see... I'm determined to find cute things for her that aren't just pink. i think blue on baby girls is the cutest thing in the world, and i looooove love love orange and bright bright yellow. - as long as its girly enough maybe people won't thing i have a little boy. :D
pink is still in though, because i mean... you've just GOT to. but other things are nice sometimes as apposed to always sticking your little girl in peptobismol colored clothing. i seem to have a little bit more energy today than i have in....god knows how long. i worked 6 hours today, maybe that's why. i heard a rumor that i may be about to get laid off, not cool. I'll just act like i didn't hear it, and work my ass off as best as i can.

&&now, Quizno's with Andi.
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