Haha I've seen a Shoe Magic. It drew me towards it with a $10 sign on the rows of shoes, until I walked closer and it said $10 after buying another pair. Total turnoff. :)
YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY for ducks and chickens!! and for your visit!!! BUT you seemed to have misplaced one very IMPORTANT DETAIL ABOUT YOUR TRIP HERE!!! (and i dont mean about the sign with the guy on the tractor and then the ACTUAL guy on the tractor... lol) ;-)
ahhhhhhhhhh how could I even forget about the tractor sign and then the guy actually being on the tractor!!! that was totally the best, if only we could have gotten the picture! hahah and some details don't need to be included in a live journal entry ;-) misss youuu alreadyyy
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