I've watched The Pandorica Opens two times and it was so good I don't really have anything to say about it except OMG. I had to watch it twice before I could even absorb half of what had happened.
So instead, here's a picspam:
This TARDIS is the PRETTIEST. The staging for this series, with the sets and dressings and the staging of the actors within it is pretty impeccable.
I am so fascinated by the idea of Amy Pond. When Eleven asked, "Does it ever bother you, Amy, that your life doesn't make any sense?" I shivered. Creepy. What does it mean? I want to hear your theories, because I've been avoiding most stuff for fear of spoilers. I know that part at the end of The Eleventh Hour where little Amelia Pond hears the TARDIS again is going to be Eleven coming back for her, to rewrite time somehow. But what does it MEAN?
I really like that, for all his Doctor is intensely quirky and agitated, Matt Smith's performance is very emotionally subtle. His dawning realization and fear in this scene was note perfect.
I'm going to the beach tonight with some friends. THE BEACH. I love the beach, and the weather is supposed to be lovely. We're staying 60 feet from the ocean and the boardwalk. FUNNEL CAKE WILL BE EATEN.
But I won't see the DW finale until Sunday night. D: