The Performance That Changed Everything.
Well, okay, that's a tad overdramatic. But this was the performance that just floored me.
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I remember hearing him say his birth date and me going BZUHHHH? Cos I hadn't been aware that he was only a year older than me. (Yeah, I felt old at that particular moment. Haha!)
I remember laughing like a hyena at his baby pics. Poor thing. MASSIVE SKULL ZOMGGG! I love how self-deprecating he is, though. And Beth! She is awesome. His intro package really charmed me.
And then: the performance. I think it was/is utter perfection.
I was like enthralled the entire time. Just from the tone of his voice and the way he used it to tell the story. I mean, I never realized how depressing the song is or how Billie Jean is such a bitch. LOL. His inflections on certain words ("young girls' hearts", "the kid is not my son"), and then the ah-may-zing glory note to top it off. My jaw dropped. I was like WOWWWWWW. I did not know he had that in him. He really showed off his vocal chops here.
Add to that vocal power: his stage presence. His vibe, his outfit, the way he embodied the feelings of the song really helped to match the visual to the aural. It felt raw and intense. Everything was perfect. Not only did he sing his little heart off, he sold the performance. Pimp spot well-deserved, I say.
I can (and did) watch this over and over again. I think it's a brilliant performance. The mp3 is amazing. The studio version is more paced and doesn't have the same glorynote as the live performance, though there is still one heck of a glorynote in there. It's a slow build and you get to hear the whole story of the song. But for the raw energy, I prefer the performance mp3. <3333
Judges' commentary:
Randy salivates over him and says he might win the whole lot. The truth. Paula salivates over him and says lotsa Paula-like stuff which has some truth beneath all the rambling. Simon salivates over him and says "it was amazing". Also the truth cos HELL YEAH THAT WAS AMAAAAZING.
Awwww, Handclasp of Thanks! Dave is so cute. Yeah bb, you just took control of the train; smile on! Ermmm, if you don't blink and stare really closely, you can catch a glimpse of Dave's heart tattoo. Heh. :x On a shallow note, I think he looks damn freakin' hot . The black outfit looks great. And the hair! All good bb. (And it gets better next week!)
This was a Moment. This changed the season, cos I think Archie would've chugged along to the win if Cook hadn't come out with his guns blazing like this. Game-changing Moment #2, after Hello. Dave topped DI with this performance, dislodging Archie for the first time. The lead wouldn't be cemented for yet a few more weeks but this was the start of it. When people started to really notice his presence in the competition, whether they liked him or not. Hahaha. Cos y'know, I'm aware there are some people who are not Cook fans. :P But this was the moment I became a Cook fan and clearly I never looked back.