i could never do those things. im a horrible dancer :( *blaster boats* wee. the one i got sucked. and broke down, my water gun on it didnt work to well either. so i just got wet
im gonna have to stick with lance and say that last pic sucks, and im gonna give best pic to lance holding that hot,sexy,pink gun. and for yalls info i whipped lances ass in some air hockey. and sterling 1 of these days im gonna get u a dance dance revolution machine. and its gonna be the death of u. i can see it now. sterling dead at 85, cause-dance dance revolution machine, its being classified as death by dancing machine.
ahh snap! so the topic of jessica and i arises. as of now were "pallies" but who knows what lies in the future. something, nething, everything, nothing, only time will tell the tale. and liz im pretty sure u know everything about "whats goin on" seeing that uve been there overseeing everything. not like it bothers me or nething. its all gravy.
Comments 10
but I hate that last picture
i like all those pictures.
2. Hovercrafts!? (Picture three)
*blaster boats* wee. the one i got sucked. and broke down, my water gun on it didnt work to well either. so i just got wet
and I was gonna do it, but I didn't want to embarass myself (last time I tripped and thought it was hilarious, but this time I might not :> )
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