1. What is the status of you and the last person you kissed?
He's my boyfriend. :-D
2. What's bothering you right now?
getting a job
3. What are you doing besides this survey?
watching tv with Chere
4. What is in your wallet?
not much
5. Wallpaper on your computer's desktop?
A pic of Jamie and I at Mt. Battie last July
6. Background on your cell phone?
... the same as my computer. haha
7. Who made you smile last?
8. What did you do today?
Look up jobs online and make dinner haha
9. Plans for tonight?
call jamie and sleep early so i can actually be productive tomorrow
10. What kind of shirt are you wearing?
a purple one my mom gave me ages ago
11. Drinking?
nothing really. last was water
12. How many times have you done this survey?
this is the first i think
13. What's the last text you received say?
"I love u too babe!"
14. What's the last text you sent today?
"Interesting. Ah well. I do know that I love you!"
15. What do you want in your life right now?
to move to Maine
16. Listening to?
Beauty and the Geek
17. Have you ever kissed anyone named Amanda?
no, i do have a cousin named that tho
18. What do you smell like?
sleep probably
19. Eating?
nothing atm
20. What's your favorite thing to have on your bed?
Jamie. haha. I mean ... yeah, no, just Jamie
21. Do you believe in soul mates?
22. What do you wear to bed?
23. Do you remember your dreams?
24. What is your favorite animal?
25. Who will you sleep with tomorrow night?
myself :-(
26. Have you ever been gambling?
once, but it wasnt with real money
27. What's something you wish you could understand better?
28. What did you do last weekend?
Chere came over
29. Who do you hate?
1500 miles.
30. Who is the last girl you hugged?
Chere probably
31. Who is the lasy boy you hugged?
32. Orange or apple juice?
depends on my mood. right now id take either
33. Who was the last person you went somewhere with?
34. Have you kissed anyone on your top friends?
35. What should you be doing?
laundry or something productive
36. How many key chains are on your keys?
a few haha
37. What was the last thing you thought about?
treasure trolls- i have one on my keychain haha
38. Whose house did you go to last night?
39. Who was the last person you visited in the hospital?
My Great Aunt Mary
40. Is there aloe in warm milk?
WTF?!??!! there would be if you put it in...
41. Are you bored?
umm... yeah...
42. What is the last movie you watched in theaters? With whom?
Stardust with Jamie
43. Name 3 drinks you drink regularly?
water, milk... crystal light?
44. What are you excited about?
Thanksgiving. Or even better, Christmas. :-D
45. Do you want someone you can't have?
No, I can have him. I DO have him!
46. Did you enjoy your last relationship?
Well, I'm in it, so yeah, I'm enjoying it. I want it to last the rest of my life.
47. Where was the last place you went?
48. What's on your mind right now?
Jamie now.
49. Have you cried recently?
50. What's hurting you right now?
my uterus and kinda my heart- Jamie's 1500 miles away til thanksgiving.
So bored, in fact, that I can't even sit still long enough to do more than one survey. UGH.