Back when Pepsi One first came out, I was in high school. A friend and I thought we were mightly clever and decided to calculate exactly how much Pepsi One a person would have to consume (and the rate) to stay on a 2000/kcal/day diet
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I fucking hate the Apothecary System and resent having to learn it. No on fucking uses it any more, and if some old cranky vet somewhere is still using it, and I happen to encouter them, I'm going to beat them senseless with my fat 10m cock.
On my drive home I saw a huge billboard thanking Sen. Santorum for his contributions to colon cancer awareness. I about crashed my car I was laughing so hard.
I have a bad habit of leaving my computer on all the time, even when I'm off doing something else. I'm trying to remember to turn it off at night, to save energy. So far I haven't remembered to do so very frequently
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