I know I'm like the only one that cares about this particular news but it's kind of cool. Just bought tickets to Wrestlemania. I don't watch it that much anymore but it's just one of those once in a lifetime kind of things. Like the Super Bowl..so yeeeeees.
RADIOHEAD in MAY I am GOING to see in CONCERT. I've never seen them live before and it's been years since I've seen a concert so it'll be awesomely fun. Awesomely is a real word? It didn't do the squiggly line thing...
I now have a new favorite movie of 2007, well one of the tops and it's not even a scripted feature film. It's a documentary called 'The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters' the story of 'the little guy' an honest humble family man who got laid off from his job and found a goal to achieve: Beating Billy Mitchell's high score of the Donkey Kong
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BEST ACTOR: Viggo Mortenson-Eastern Promises Daniel Day Lewis-There Will Be Blood Johnny Depp-Sweeney Todd George Clooney-Michael Clayton Tommy Lee Jones-Valley of Elah<-----that's the one I didn't get
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If they even have them with the Writer's Strike about and with all the buzz coming from all these films and the awards that have been announced I can now compile what I think will be the nominations and winners(keep in mind I'm trying to keep in a mindset of an Academy member
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entering 2008 will always be remembered as the time when I caught some prostitutes red handed for getting busy in a public movie theater. Well I didn't totally see everything or tell them to fuck off but I got to sic the management on them. They live and breath for moments like that, so I wanted to give them the honor. But the poor woman went into
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ok well I need to go through the entire year and point out the movies I liked that came out this year starting with the earliest through the end of the year and ones that I felt were huge disappointments. All the ones I've seen this year will be listed in their appropriate categories
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Hope you guys have a good Christmas! Me I gotta work but we celebrated it a little early and I must say it was better than last years at least. Didn't get very many gifts but I don't care much about that, mostly it was things I actually needed like certificates for clothes, money, etc
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