Ok, so I wasn't really paying attention to Bones as I should off, since I was multitasking, so I'll just talk about what I remember...but for House...
So Bones...OK, I've never hated Cam, still don't, but man she's that kind of person who likes to make a big deal out of everything and I don't like it. Maybe it was jsut cuz her sis was there, IDK...I just didn't like the way she acted at the end. He sis, she's crazy! She kissing Booth pissed me off...but who wouldn't want to kiss him. ;D
I felt there wasn't much Brennan on this episode, and that's weird cuz she's the star of the show...and even though I LOVED the last bit with her and Booth, I felt it wasn't relevant to the rest of the epi. I don't remember her being upset or anything like Booth was describing...but, I'll forgive it because of that bit AND all the Booth knowing what she was thinking and stuff..stuff. :D
Can I just say that I can't wait for the Nov. 27th episode! If you read this crap of a journal and want to know what I'm talking about..CLICK
HERE and
Ok...onto House...
I just need to say: OH SNAP/HELL NO!!!
OK, so Foreman..I'm still ok with him, he was so bad-ass in this one though, I was "oh SNAP"-ing through it all! Don't believe me, ask
corellianjedi2! XD
Is it wrong for me to say that I found Chase and Cameron so cute in this epi? Am I being a bad Huddy fan? No? Ok...they were cut, I love the way he handles her. :D
I was ok with this episode. I just want Cut Throat Bitch to leave, and the black dude, so we can move on already! But it felt back to normal again to have the originals back at least to appear once in the episode.
And we saw Wilson! Now, I don't remember at the top of my head what was said between him and House over the phone (I'm slow), but I do remember laughing my ass OFF! Seriously, House was hilarious in this one....
And so we get more Huddy moments..or MOMENT, but still...I LOVED the way Cuddy talked to Wilson and even more, LOVE, LOVE, LOVED the interaction between she and House at the end. She's all letting him believe that she believes his stupid little story, and then BHAM! Awesome Cuddy emerges, proving yet again that she knows House more than he thinks!
And then the moment is almost ruined by my HELL NO at what I'm seeing and hearing. I think its so stupid that they're making House have another random lover-person! Its STUPID! It better only be to get Cuddy jealous, if not...I'm sure the Huddy fans will go on strike...
Speaking of strike. That Writer's Strike? I get it,
corellianjedi2 helped me out to understand it (again, I'm slow), but I still think that they need to make a deal soon cuz I don't care how little they're being payed, I don't want to watch re-runs! Ok, so I'm mean...I just hope they make a deal soon. I wish the writer's luck, hope they get what they want. :D
PS. I'm going to be legal in less than an hour (
theonlysong won't let me say that I actually turn 18 until like 1 PM...;D). How do I feel about that? Meh. Honestly, its not a big deal to me. Yeah, I get to do more things, but with it comes more responsibility. Ever since I was 15 I've stopped making my BD a big deal, mostly cuz I realize its a bad thing since I'm getting old...I do hope my sis gets me that HP shirt we saw at Hot-Topic...cuz god knows I need something HP-related! :D