Happy Mondays: Lots of Fail, but I got to be a tiger

May 23, 2011 18:15


Today is not my finest. As I was already running late for work, Cedric decided to throw up on the bedroom carpet.

This is highly unusual for Cedric; he’s not been sick since he was wee. So I was actually late for work. This is as opposed to just arriving on time, but without having achieved the things I had intended to, which is my normal late behaviour. I’m actually much much better than I used to be at getting to work on time even if I’m running late. Cat vomit is, however, not within my standard risk assessment. Bleugh.


1. Ari has Bad Teeth. She had to go to the emergency dentist, who prescribed her Metronidazole, the Beelzebub of antibiotics. I have spent time looking after her, cooking soup and buying icecream.

2. Have been feeling guilty about cooking recently: because I am out at work all way and Ari, whilst working, is not out, and because I have twice weekly exercise classes and Ari has nightly tours, she has ended up doing an disproportionate amount of cooking. Given that I did a massive shop on Saturday, I decided last night - when Ari was out at work - to Cook. I cooked up a massive batch of pasta sauce, made two lasagnes - one big enough to do tonight’s dinner and tomorrow’s lunch, hopefully, and a smaller one which I put in the freezer - and still had leftover sauce which I froze and we can use to put on a pizza. So that’s basically dinner made for three nights this week. I made my sandwiches for today and did all the washing up and cleaned the kitchen. I also did all the laundry yesterday, which was a LOT. Just call me Donna Reed.

3. Aquafit was cancelled on Thursday, as the tutor was sick, so Ari and I decided to go swimming. We went to Porty baths, where the Turkish baths were half price, because something unclear was broken. It was quiet, so we mostly had the lanes in the pool to ourselves, so could do lots of stretching and fun stuff (I’m not a massive fan of the ‘lengths’ school of swimming; it’s why Aquafit suits me so well). Afterwards we got chips and walked home.

4. I also bought a Wagon Wheel from the chippie because they were only 25p and Ari had never heard of them.

5. Dinner with Hazel and John on Friday. Cheated the cooking part by buying Ricebox deep fried tofu and mixing it through with rice and egg. Voila: dinner for four. Then we got into some marvellously spirited discussions, but I’m sure we all still love each other.

6. Probably.

7. Went to Erin’s birthday party at the Regent on Saturday. Couldn’t stay for too long, as Ari was home in pain (see 1), but saw some cool bananas folk. I even intended leaving before I did but stayed ‘for five minutes’ to actually talk to Erin (the nature of these things being that I had talked to nearly everybody else). Then Erin played on my weak spot, suggesting we play The Machine. Diabolical fiend. An hour later, I left to tend to my sick wife.

Note: Erin was vere pretty with good eyeliner.

8. Had Epic Fail in making it to Hannah’s on Sunday. Day ran away with me, Ari was still really sickish, and Hermione had a flat tyre. Couldn’t face any of it.

9. Had some proper awesome time with Toby. Went over to distract him whilst Ems and Ade packed for their holiday. It was excellent because mostly, I go over to see the lot of them, and between wanting to have Grown Up Discussions with Emily, squishy cuddles with Seth and highjinks with Toby, I often end up doing none of these to any great effect. In this instance, although there was a wee bit of the first two, mostly it was about the latter. We played trains, and high speed buses, and lions and tigers, and horses (which involved him licking the rug; fortunately it’d recently been cleaned) and there was a lot of tickling. I had so much fun. It’s really important to me to maintain a relationship with him separate to my relationship with Emily, and with Seth (albeit that these are equally important), so it was just hella awesome. He is my homie and I love the bones of him.

10. Epic Proofreading Fail: After encouraging John to register the domain www.edinburghthaimassage.co.uk, and redirecting it to his own site, despite it feeling a bit bold and cheeky, I thought I would take my own advice, and register proofreadingscotland.co.uk. I felt good about this.

I did wonder, however, why, after 24 hours, the redirect still wasn’t working.

It was at this point that I realised that I had registered proofreadingscotand.co.uk. Because I am both a numpty and, it seems, a terrible, terrible, proofreader. Good career choice, Lizzie.

11. My Ma is no longer mayor. She reached the end of her one year term in the blink of an eye. I’m hoping she will now have time for things like eating dinner, though. She’s planning to come and see us at the end of June. It’ll be a busy time; Ari’s 30th, and both Eve and Tristan will be visiting, too. Careful co-ordination a go-go.

12. Hoping we still make it down for her 70th. Booked flights + return of The Ash Cloud =Ah. Bollocks.

13. Had a job interview, at the end of which they told me they wanted to see me again. Spent a couple of days debating some dilemmas over it. They have not called me since. Think dilemma consideration may have been moot.

14. Due to run the proofreading course at Leith Academy again on Saturday, but last count there were not enough bookings. Have held off prep in case of wasting my time. Am very torn between the desire for it to run, for the money and practice, and the desire for it to be cancelled, as I have so much work on, and don't want to lose my weekend.

15. Now I am home and feeling really very not well. Achy face and nausea. Bleugh.

Sleep and fun to the rest of you,

Lizzie xxx

tutoring, housewife, work., proofreading, happy mondays, family, cedric, toby, exercise

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